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Old 06-05-2007, 18:15   #1
Deep Throat
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Unhappy Help me Oh-bd-ker-wobi. You're my only hope :(

Once again... my greeting cards.

I am on the verge of bursting into tears here guys

The pootas spec (which I am using to do the cards on):

Graphics Card: ATI 9600
Processor: AMD Athlon
Speed of Processor: 1.25 Ghz (is that the 2600?)
Ram: 1gig

For some stupid reason it is running quite slow (as in *click*..*pause*..*open*). I'm now using Photoshop CS2 to do my drawings in as PSP makes the lines wibberly and is... well... a bit poopy.

I've been trying to draw at 300dpi, but my hand isn't steady enough to do an even line. Not only that, but using my sketch pad (which is an old AIPTEK serial connecting sketch pad) and with the slow jerkiness of the poota I cannot for the life of me get a smooth line. At all.

It's really grating on me now. I have spent ALL day (and I mean ALL day) on trying to redraw my pictures and I haven't got one I am happy with now. I really don't have a clue what to do. If the poota ran smoother... it would be fine I'm sure. But I don't know what's causing the jerkiness. I think I just need to replace the hunk of metal and my sketch pad for something which is able to cope with my drawings.

I've wasted a whole day and I am now really upset and tired. I have no money (this is the whole reason I am doing greeting cards - to make money) and there seems to be no answer available to me without spending loads of it.

*completely heart broken*

Please help

Wub a very sad peebee.
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