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Old 25-10-2007, 07:25   #1
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Default Good mid-high range 19" LCD

I used to have 2 very nice 17s that I used to use side-by-side for my workstation. Over the past few years one died, and the other was donated because I'm too nice for my own good. I'm now stuck with a 5 year old 15" LCD which is just too small - especially going from having 2x17" screens. I miss the dual screen setup, but for the time being I can't afford to buy 2x17" monitors so was thinking of just getting 1x19" one instead which I should be able to cope with for the moment.

Question is: there are widescreen versions also which I don't know if I'd like or not - especially if I think of going back to 2 screens having 2 widescreens might be a bit odd. Would you recommend a 19" or get a 20"+ one instead? Max price £200 really, but even that's top of my limit so anything under that would be good. I know I can get over 20" for under £150 (with a CR of 3000:1) but I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say. My preference would be for the screen to be black and what's very important is that it has no speakers and that the bezel is as thin as possible (but the no speakers is more important). Obviously all other things are advantages and important, such as high CR and so on.

All the big screens seem to be widescreen is this going to bug me? Or is it pretty good?
No No!
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