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Old 01-02-2008, 13:34   #1
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Default Baking with BBx - Chopper's Cheesecake! :D

Hurrah! I have a cheesecake recipe and it turned out ok last night so thought I would post it specially at the request of Miss Blackstar!

The Name:
'Chopper' is the nickname of one of our consultants who used to be a Chef, hence 'Chopper Burnham' (Rob Burnham) anyway on with the show!!!

What you need:

Small packet of digestive biscuits
1 oz of butter
175g caster sugar
3 Tsps (heaped) cornflour
800g Philadelphia (For some reason Organic was 23p cheaper each in ASDA so I bought that)
280ml of double cream (or thereabouts)
2 eggs
1 Vanilla Pod
Tsp Vanilla essence (would prob use 2 next time)
Icing Sugar (optional)

Large Bowl
Hand Blender (bought mine from Currys for £3.98 and LOVE IT!)
Plastic spatula (Ikea 49p woo hoo!)
Removable Bottom Cheesecake Tin (Robert Dyas £4.99) (Fig 2)


1) Pre-heat the oven to 170 degs.

2) Crush ¾ of the small bag of digestive biscuits in a plastic bag with a rolling pin. (see Fig 1)

3) Melt the 1 oz of butter in a pan on a low heat and mix in the crushed biscuits.

4) Once mixed together, pour into the flan tin (you should have a special one as in (Fig 2) this one cost £4.99 from Robert Dyas which wasn't too bad for immediateness and what I had found on internet but if you don't have, victoria sponge tins should be ok if they are deep enough) and press down with a potato masher so the layer is solid. (Fig 3)

5) In a bowl put in the 175g of caster sugar, 3 heaped teaspoons of cornflour, 800g Philadelphia and blend together with a hand blender. (At this point I realised that I'm going to have to get over my fear of the consistency of cream cheese in order to make this...)

6) Remove vanilla seeds from the pod. Score down the middle with your Jean Patrique knife and scrape out with a teaspoon and add to the mixture. (Also found out I don't really like vanilla pods.. but hey needs must...)

7) Beat the two eggs together in a bowl (I have a bad relationship with eggs so beat them whenever I get the chance - of course you don't really need to as you are using a hand blender but still...), then add to the mixture with the vanilla seeds, double cream, tsp of vanilla essence and blend again. (Fig 4)

8) Blend into a smooth consistency (Fig 5) (- make sure you keep the hand blender underneath the mixture at all times as you don't want too much air to get in) and then pour onto the biscuit base. (Figs 6.0 - 6.2)

9) Use the plastic spatula to make the mixture even in the tin. (Fig 7)

10) Place in the lower part of the oven and bake in the oven for 40mins at 170 degs.

11) When ready the cheesecake should be cooked but have a wobbly consistency. (Fig 8) (I think I had mine in for a bit too long as 'somehow' the oven got turned off halfway through so had to estimate the time but still is edible!)

12) Leave in oven to cool down.

13) When cold you can put in the fridge. Don't put it in straight away as it may crack if you do this though so leave to cool in the oven and then when its cold put it in the fridge 4hrs ideally to set. (Fig 9)

14) Dust with icing sugar and serve (I forgot to dust) on own or with cream. (Fig 10)

The bit I had for brekkie was yum! But mega taste test will be after lunch when I have a bit and take some down to Chopper Burnham as he has been bugging me since I asked for the recipe if I had made it yet

Any girlies attending Pheeb's tonight may get to see Fig 10 as well

Enjoy! That's it, I've popped my Food For Thought forum cherry! Hurrah!

BB x

Last edited by BBx; 22-02-2009 at 21:30.
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