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Old 23-07-2008, 16:32   #1
Admiral Huddy
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Angry #RANT#

Despite the fact I've always been a keen and regular cook (when i get the time) I don't visit these pages much which is a shame. However, I have a a little rant... Actually it's a big ****ing rant!!!!

I'm speaking of all these bloody cooking programs on the TV at the moment. Years ago, it used to be a select few but now they're on evey bloody night.

I don't actually have a problem with them.. The F* word is pretty good.. The problem I have with these programs is that they have made cooking into a "Fasionable trend" so you can't tell me that this "Fashion" hasn't contributed to the rising cost of basic food stuffs in the super market. Notice I said "Contribute" as I'm pretty aware that there are over factors that decide the retail cost. However, It's like everything that becomes trendy has it's price.. and the retailers, the supermarkets in theis case, bloody know it.!!!!!

Gyms that were once "spit and saw dust sweat houses", visited by really only thoese wanting to get fit.. are now all poncy to make way for the iPod joggers in their masses and because they have become "fashionable" and we have to pay for this.

I see the same thing happening in the kitchen!!

#Rant over#

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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