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Old 30-09-2008, 22:12   #1
Sofa Boy
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Wield of the Shire
Posts: 701
Default E-mail etiquette in the workplace.

I think it is really interesting how we have come to develop a whole nuanced way of communicating through e-mail. Sometimes you can carry a whole idea or emotive response without specifically referring to it in the body of the text.

Example, there's this **** I have to speak to on a regular basis. He's rude, arrogant, and thinks that when he curls one off in the morning, it smells like a million bucks. He's very abrasive and curt when anyone speaks to him on the phone, and in email he always begins with my name, and ends "Regards", totally irrespective of what Ihave just done to get him out of the sh!t with his paylords. E.g.


*Insert unrealistic demand or expectation here*



On the flip side, I am usually quite informal when I email, even when speaking to senior corporate directors for very large banking and financial institutions (our client base). I usually start with a "Hi" and end in "Kind Regards", and more often than not I find when that if they reciprocate in email, then when I speak to these people on the phone that they are decent normal human beings. Some are even friendly enough to use colloquial terms like "mate" which you would definitely not expect to see in our industry (traditionally at least!).

Anyone else find similar things at their place? Here endeth my random observation for the day!
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