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Old 17-04-2010, 10:03   #1
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Default Spoilers on TV (Promos/teasers/Making Of Shows etc)

Am I the only person that gets sick of having plot points revealed and nice little surprises ruined before a show is even aired? There seem to be masses of magazines and websites that do this (or are just about it), so there must be a market for it I know. Now I will always avoid 'Making of' things until I have seen something I want to see and I don't really see magazines too much as I only really look out for the ones I know I am going to buy (I'm not much of a browser). But it's annoyning that when within a nano second of a show ending they show you what's going to be on next week (was this weeks show so poor the only way you think the audience is going to tune in next time is to show them an exciting reveal from next week?) or when you are sat watching a news show not expecting there to be anything on about a show you watch and all of a sudden a piece comes on with an unexpected reveal.

Maybe I'm unusual in that I enjoy watching shows and finding out what happens by watching them! TV needs an equivalent of spoiler tags

/whine off
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Old 17-04-2010, 10:26   #2
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What I detest is the "coming next week" part at the end of a show. I'm going to watch it, I don't want any smegging spoilers, thank you. My family think I'm strange when I leap off my chair and run out of the room doing 'la la' in a loud voice as the spoilerage comes on the telly.

The _only_ time I didn't do that was after the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who a couple of weeks ago.
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Old 17-04-2010, 10:28   #3
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See and i'm the annoying person who reads ahead wherever possible to find out what's coming. I don't know why I do it, but for example I haven't seen 24 until it airs tomorrow, but I know what's going to happen already. It still makes it exciting for me though.
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Old 17-04-2010, 11:31   #4
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Nope, I hate it. I fast forward through the 'next week/next section' bits and I try never to watch trailers if I can help it. I prefer to know nothing about it except for a very brief outline so I know it's a genre that I'll enjoy. I mentioned in the movie thread that I HATE IT when someone says 'it's a great little twist at the end' because it really does ruin it for me - regardless of whether or not I know what the twist is, I still know there's a twist, so the element of surprise is greatly reduced because I'm waiting for it.

My best friend reads the last page first of any book she starts to read. I don't understand it, and she always drives me mad talking about any books/films/progs because she says 'I won't spoilt it but' and then tells me something that usually (if it doesn't spoil it directly) points a massive finger towards what's going to happen, so I can work it out for myself without even trying. Drives me mad.
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Old 17-04-2010, 11:34   #5
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
My best friend reads the last page first of any book she starts to read.
Mrs. Feek does that. She says "if it's not a happy ending, I don't want to read the book".

The last think I want to know when I pick up a book is how it ends. I can't see any point in reading the book if you know what happens already.
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Old 17-04-2010, 12:15   #6
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Almost as bad are the TV shows that are basically 20-minute programs made up to be an hour long. I no longer have access to TV (except Sky Player on Xbox) but the last time I was at my parents there was an episode of How Clean Is Your House? on. Every five minutes there's a 'here's what happened five minutes ago, and here's what's going to happen in the next five minutes' summary. It's dumbing-down of the worst kind. Like people's attention spans are so short they can't remember what happened in the last few minutes, or that they'll switch over unless they know what's coming in the proceeding 90 seconds.
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Old 17-04-2010, 12:52   #7
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That's exactly why I can't stand Mythbusters, what you've described is exactly how they do it and it drives me up the wall.
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Old 17-04-2010, 14:01   #8
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I'm also a watch the last bit first person. Don't like nasty surprises. I blame Event Horizon for that.
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Old 17-04-2010, 14:28   #9
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*ahem* Spoiler tags, Mark
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Old 17-04-2010, 19:12   #10
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Originally Posted by Feek View Post
The _only_ time I didn't do that was after the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who a couple of weeks ago.
I nearly just got out with it again tonight, just as 'next week' came up I sang at the top of my voice until I found the remote to change channel
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