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Old 21-02-2009, 17:11   #1
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Default Which laptop? Macbook, Macbook Pro or Macbook Air?

Right then, I'm buying a laptop. It's going to be an Apple laptop, this is not the place to discuss the pros and cons of Apple hardware Vs non Apple hardware, nor is it the place to discuss the benefits or otherwise of OS X and/or fanboyism. Neither is a place to discuss whether I should be spending this sort of money on a laptop. I will have the hard cash in my hand in a few weeks and it's specifically for this purpose.

Right, with that out of the way, here goes...

Firstly, I was thinking of either the Macbook Pro or the Macbook Air. The Macbook wasn't really on my radar.

I was a bit concerned about the Air because I knew the previous model had a lot of overheating issues and I didn't want to suffer that. So I popped into PC World on my way home and had a look.

The Air was running a lot cooler than I expected so I had a play with it and in all honesty, it felt a bit slow in performance. This was the 1.6GHz version. I wandered over and had a play with the Macbook Pro which was much much faster and that's to be expected but the problem there was that the physical size of the laptop was just too large for my requirements. For sitting in front of the telly with it on my lap, it seemed enormous. They didn't have a Macbook for me to play with.

So a couple of days later I had the opportunity to go to the Apple Store in Lakeside. Sadly I'd forgotten that it's half term and also Blue Peter were holding a mah00sive bring and buy sale at Lakeside so it was absolutely full of brats screaming kids children .

I spent about 45 minutes in the store chatting to one of the guys there and playing with different laptops. In the end I decided that the Air isn't suitable because it's just simply not quick enough. I'm used to the speed of the Mac Pro and although the Air isn't a slouch, it's just noticeably slower than what I'm used to and even the 1.86GHz version would frustrate me.

So the choice was limited to the Macbook Pro and the Macbook. I spent time with them both and my feelings about the Pro were confirmed. It's just too large for my requirements.

So that leaves the Macbook.

This is what I've spec'ed up:

I've gone with the Apple supplied memory because the difference in price between getting it factory fitted or buying it myself is only about twenty quid now and I'd rather that Apple fit it for me, especially considering that upgrading the memory on the new Unibody Macs isn't as straightforward as it was on the older ones.

Having said that, I'm going to get a replacement larger and much faster hard drive and fit that myself. I won't even boot the system from the supplied drive, it will just get put into the box and stored away somewhere.

I can get it through the Higher Education store which gives a significantly higher discount than the Further Education store The HE store also gives three years in-store Applecare which can be extended to full telephone/in-store support for a very small fee. I shall include that as well.

Now having gone through the above process, I find a problem.

Frustratingly, I've just read three independent reviews which all say that the screen on the Macbook is far inferior to that on the Macbook Pro.

Reviews here, here and here.

In the sterile, ideal environment of a shop the screen looked perfectly fine. However, the screen on my Dell laptop looked just as perfectly fine when viewed in such an environment but just get slightly away from the correct viewing angle and it's crap.

I've been using the Dell in situations where it's been difficult to get the viewing angle spot on and will be doing the same with the new laptop so that's why I'm concerned. I feel I need another visit to a shop to have a better comparison look.

So I'm open to words and advice from you lovely lot. Given this situation, what would you be going for?
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Old 21-02-2009, 17:17   #2
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Originally Posted by Feek View Post
In the sterile, ideal environment of a shop the screen looked perfectly fine.
I went in 'knowing' this difference and so was looking for it. It's definitely inferior and would be enough to put me off (or, perhaps 'conveniently' push me into spending a bit more on the Pro).

It wasn't something that bothered me buying a netbook but when i'm dropping £1000 on a bit of kit, there should be no need to have to put up with a screen like that.
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Old 21-02-2009, 17:39   #3
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Feek are you sure a 15" Pro is too big?
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Old 21-02-2009, 17:42   #4
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Well that was my immediate feeling, I've not actually been able to try one sitting on my lap. That's why I'm asking

I agree, divine, that's why I'm now undecided again.
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Old 21-02-2009, 17:50   #5
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When I had my iBook I honestly thought when getting a new laptop I would never get anything larger than say 13". However after using this HP machine I would say the smallest pro would be perfectly acceptable. As long as you aren't buying a 17" version I'm sure you'll become used to the 15" one in no time.
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Old 21-02-2009, 19:00   #6
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Right i don't care what you get, or have any advice, but get in touch if you want the HE discount again
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Old 21-02-2009, 19:16   #7
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Thanks Alex, I've found someone a little closer though so I won't need to call on your services again. Not that they were needed last time with my second hand deal of the century
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Old 21-02-2009, 19:21   #8
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Out of interest, what is the HE discount? Working at a university I'm sure I'd have no problem finding someone eligible to help me out!

To add my tuppence, I'd rule out the Air simply because it has no optical drive or removable battery, regardless of the speed issues, and my only reasoning behind getting a Macbook Pro before was because I didn't want a plastic case. Now the Macbook is in the same spiffy aluminium as the Pro I'd certainly consider it over the Pro... though I'd have to compare the screens in person to make a judgement on that. I don't find the 15" overly big either, but the 17" just doesn't seem all that portable.
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Old 21-02-2009, 19:25   #9
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It's quite hefty, the base model 15" Macbook Pro is £1,163.80 compared to £1,369.00

If you're feeling clever, do the sums and post the percentage
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Old 21-02-2009, 19:32   #10
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Originally Posted by Feek View Post
compared to £1,369.00
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