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Old 18-01-2009, 13:27   #1
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Default Kick boxing

I know there was a little bit of discussion on this in the "marital" arts thread but I wanted to post and see if anyone has more info.

I have spoken on and off about this with Mic for many years but have never gone. A leaflet came through my door yesterday advertising the Southern Kickboxing Academy and on looking at the site it seems they have a female only class just round the corner from my house.

I am very uncertain about this as I have less than zero confidence anyway and have no-one I could go along with in order to be my backbone. I have no coordination and know that I am very far from being fit and I've heard you need both for this.
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Old 18-01-2009, 13:40   #2
Lara Croft
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DO IT !!

It will help with your fitness and will also improve your self confidence.

I've got rubbish co-ordination and I manage to do it

Go along and try it out, what's the worst that could happen ?

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Old 18-01-2009, 14:57   #3
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I'd definitely recommend it too. you get a great cardio workout and can punch/kick out your frustrations raaaaaaaaarrrr!

Some clubs can be tres expensive though :/ thats the downside, luckily one of my sister gyms does it as part of the class programme, but haven't been for a while as my partner seems to be ignoring my emails.. hmmm..

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Old 18-01-2009, 17:00   #4
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From my experience Tak, Martial Arts can often help you achieve some of the things you say you don't have as long as the teacher is good. Also if the teacher is worth his or her salt they should have some experience in coaching you at your own pace without feeling too pressurised.

Might be worthwhile giving them a call and asking if they do any taster classes or if you can go along just to see there set up. Nothing ventured nothing gained

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Old 18-01-2009, 17:34   #5
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The flyer says that the first class is free.

Can anyone describe to me what goes on in a class? What sort of things does it entail?
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Old 18-01-2009, 17:43   #6
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I would imagine every class is slightly different, I do Muay Thai which is a little different but there's what we do :-

Warm up ( jog around the room and do press ups/sit ups etc )
Bag work ( different combos of punching and kicking )
Pad work ( same as above )
Stretch off

Every week it's slightly different though.

When I first went the instructor spent a good 10 mins with me taking me through the basic moves and making sure I was happy with what I was meant to do before being let loose on a bag

It will feel clunky, you may feel a little awkard as it will feel unnatural but it is SO worth putting the effort it. I cannot describe how good I feel coming out of a class and how amazing it feels when you land a punch/kick properly and you really connect with the bag/pad.

Seriously, please give it a go but go a few times. Don't just try the one class ( unless you really hate it of course )

Any more q's just let me know and I'll try my best to answer

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Old 18-01-2009, 17:50   #7
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I think its probably slightly different on each class, but basically it would consist of:
1) The teacher should ask if anyone has any injuries/has done this before etc.
2) Warm up. Jogging round the room, jogging on spot.
3) Learning how to punch (sounds stupid I know), you learn hooks, jabs, uppercuts etc also keeping your guard up.
4) Learning how to kick - these are all done in class formation btw, learning how to stand and move to keep the cardio up.
5) Then you might be told to partner up and get gloves and pads. The tutor will tell you what you have to do - one person will be the fighter and the other the punchbag (lol) you should be told how to absorb the punchs and kicks as the punchbag and what punch/kick combinations to do.
6) Then you will change positions.
7) You will do maybe a couple more combos.
8) Group cardio/exercise
9) Warm down/stretch out

Well thats what one of my classes consisted of. I think the instructor was a bit worried because I was the only girl there when I went.

Might try boxercise at my local gym. But want to do kickboxing again.

May aswell go to the free one though Sam

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Old 18-01-2009, 17:52   #8
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Lol.. Piggy posted too

PS don't uppercut yourself... its not clever or funny.

Sparring.. yeah thats the word I wanted... doh!

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Old 18-01-2009, 18:31   #9
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I've lost count the amount of times I've uppercutted myself

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Old 18-01-2009, 18:42   #10
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I was highly un-coordinated and severely lacking in self confidence when I started Judo, both disappeared surprisingly quickly. I'm sure the same will be true with Kick Boxing.
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