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Old 10-07-2009, 17:46   #1
ex SAS
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Default Something happened to me that's never happened before...

I just got ID'd for buying beer in the shop over the road.

"Got any ID?"

"You what?"

"I need to see your ID"

I looked at him.

"You serious? I'm old enough to be your dad"

"Yes, I've got to see your ID or I can't sell you the beer"

I showed him my driving licence. It doesn't have a photo, he accepted it. I'm still not sure if he was taking the piss or what.

Please tell me, do I look under 21?
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Old 10-07-2009, 18:04   #2
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A lot of shops have switched to a no ID no service policy now, stops arguments. No messing around with how old people look, or people taking offence at getting IDd etc.

Everyone needs ID, simple as that.

Also a much safer approach to getting caught out, that way the shop carries virtually no liability and nor do its staff, so next time the police send in a 17 year old who looks about 25, they're still fine because they just ask everyone.

You'll more often encounter this at places on their 'last strike' so to speak before they loose their license to sell alcohol.
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Old 10-07-2009, 18:05   #3
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No Feek you dont but i think the assistant there was having a jobsworth day or he had so many people to id during the week so was being silly.
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Old 10-07-2009, 18:32   #4
semi-pro waster
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I can't say you looked under 25 to me either, not old by any means but I wouldn't have confused you for a juvenile at any point based on looks alone.

I haven't been ID'd all that much buying alcohol but when I do it's usually for something rather improbable that you'd never expect to see kids drinking down the park like a bottle of a decent red wine or a rather fine selection of ales along with the rest of my weeks shopping.
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Old 10-07-2009, 18:54   #5
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Originally Posted by divine View Post
A lot of shops have switched to a no ID no service policy now, stops arguments. No messing around with how old people look, or people taking offence at getting IDd etc.
What a stupid, idiotic policy. I'll have to warn my 64 year old father to keep his driving license with him in future.

I'm all for checking ID but why can there not be some common sense? Feek is obviously old enough to buy alcohol so to say that he needs ID to prove that fact is a complete waste of time.
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Old 10-07-2009, 19:13   #6
Joey Tempest
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Originally Posted by divine View Post
A lot of shops have switched to a no ID no service policy now, stops arguments. No messing around with how old people look, or people taking offence at getting IDd etc.

Everyone needs ID, simple as that.

Also a much safer approach to getting caught out, that way the shop carries virtually no liability and nor do its staff, so next time the police send in a 17 year old who looks about 25, they're still fine because they just ask everyone.

You'll more often encounter this at places on their 'last strike' so to speak before they loose their license to sell alcohol.
Yes, but when we did that for a while a few years ago we responded to the customers with "sorry for the inconvenience, at the moment we are running a no ID no service policy" no just "I need to see your ID"
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Old 10-07-2009, 19:38   #7
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Feek, the face of "Man Olay"

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Old 10-07-2009, 20:40   #8
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I had never been IDed until I started loosing weight; the more I lost the more frequent it became, I've now even been IDed for cigarettes several times, my theory currently is that if I ever hit my target weight I'll look about 10
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Old 10-07-2009, 21:27   #9
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Kitten here!

In the States seems the policy isn't whether or not the person is over 21, it's whether or not you asked them to PROVE that they were over 21. We were in a bar in Cali when a group of uniforms came in and asked us all to show our ID to prove we were over 21. Everyone had it, because they were asking everyone to show it when they bought a pint, it was a normal as flashing your pass to get into the gym. You had no ID, you got no alcohol.

Seems like a lot of places are employing the same thing over here. You could look like the pervy old man off Family Guy, but if the person who gave you your alcohol hasn't got PROOF that you're over 21, then they're shut down!
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Old 11-07-2009, 09:12   #10
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Seems a bit crazy. Feeky - you don't look under 21 You do look younger for your age but not under 21

Picky was ID'd last night, but then he always is

Oh weird thing at the place last night - they had an outside bit which was a large area on the second floor. We all walked out there and immediately were told to sit down or get out by the bouncers. I was like... erm... okay... erm... seat... where's there a seat. Eventually we all squished onto a couple of seats about, but as soon as anyone walked out/stood up he immediately told them to sit back down again or leave!

When we got up to go I was saying goodbye to a girl who was due to go off travelling and said we'd meet up soon and as I went to give her a hug he tapped me on the shoulder and told me to sit down or leave because I was blocking the passage way and stopping people getting passed! I looked around and there was no one there and said to him "DUDE! Seriously! THere's no one here and I'm saying good bye! Take it easy, I am leaving! Blimey!"

I don't normally get wound up over things like that but he was on a power trip and it annoyed the pants off me. I was sober and am generally a nice person (certainly very respectful to bouncers) but could you imagine if he was like that to a drunken person who's a bit gobby?! He was asking for a fight!

Stupid man.

/closes off topic rant
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