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Old 04-02-2010, 00:08   #1
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Unhappy White logo of death :(

So was on the train to work today... happily tethering along over Bluetooth.. and my iPhone reboots.


Then I noticed it was stuck on the Apple logo...


So I reset it. Same thing. Hmmm.

It just keeps getting stuck on the logo. Thing is, I can't restore it as somehow iTunes hasn't backed it up since 30/12

Sometimes it seems to load up enough just to connect to iTunes - but dies less then a minute after (even if plugged in)

Think I'm stuffed Goodbye to a months worth of pictures and SMS
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Old 04-02-2010, 01:07   #2
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sometimes they can back it up in store, even if it has whited out. Worth taking it in and seeing if they can do it for you, or at least ringing. You don't have mobile me?
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Old 04-02-2010, 01:25   #3
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
sometimes they can back it up in store, even if it has whited out. Worth taking it in and seeing if they can do it for you, or at least ringing. You don't have mobile me?
It's jailbroken.. not sure they'll take too nicely... or will they actually know if they can't get past the white apple?

And didn't really want to spend extra on mobile me tbh
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Old 04-02-2010, 01:30   #4
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Ah, well, not sure what you can do then :shrug: :/
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Old 04-02-2010, 11:45   #5
I iz speshul
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When I first got my iPhone it crashed not long after starting using it, and displayed nothing but a white screen. I left it plugged into the PC overnight and by the next morning it was working fine. Not sure it'll help for you, but it couldn't hurt to try.

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Old 04-02-2010, 14:39   #6
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I read somewhere that when you install an application and restart, the OS rebuilds the menu cache. On the other hand there is a process that says if something takes >2mins then in must have crashed... and restarts the device -_-

Which means where I have about 8-9 pages of apps, its taking over 2 mins and therefore the phone thinks its crashed and restarts Bugger.
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Old 04-02-2010, 14:54   #7
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Is there a hard reset option like holding down power and home for 10 seconds or something?
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Old 04-02-2010, 14:57   #8
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Yep, but the error is when it turns on :/

I can get into recovery mode and restore it to default... but I've been stupid and haven't backed up my photos
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Old 04-02-2010, 19:21   #9
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All restored but I've been a numpty and restored to v3.1.3.

No jailbreak for me
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Old 05-02-2010, 01:04   #10
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If your phone is registered with Cydia, there might be a downgrade option (like there is for 3.1 -> 3.0), but don't go there until someone has had time to play (the 3.1 downgrade breaks stuff a bit which you then have to fix).

iPhone OS 3.2 will be where it's at though - apparently.
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