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Old 13-07-2010, 21:06   #1
The Last Airbender
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Angry A bloody close shave

Travelling home from work today, travelling through a quiet village called Gosfield and I'm in my sisters car that we had to borrow the last week or so. I'm driving down the main road at about 40mph when all of a sudden a silver Fiesta shoots from the other side of the road right across my lane and down a side road. It was bloody close. But worse than that, his mate in a maroon Ka thought it was OK to follow him about two foot from his bumper

I had to brake hard, swerve across to the other lane around the second car and then back in to my lane before hitting the oncoming traffic. Fook knows what it looked like from the outside but jebus, I didn't think my reactions would be that fast. I reckon I missed his back end by less than a foot and luckily still had reasonable room before getting too close to the oncoming traffic. I was VERY close to turning around and catching up with them down the road, but at the end of the day, where does that get you so I just merrily carried on my way.
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Old 13-07-2010, 22:14   #2
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I've had similar a couple of times - always ended with me not reacting due to being flabbergasted by the actions of the other party.

Worst one was a roundabout where I was in the second lane and an old lady was in the first. I was going straight across, which was appropriate for the second lane of the exit, and I assumed she was going left or straight on in the first lane. Turns out she just hadn't got into the lane she needed to be in and continued around the roundabout despite me indicating left off and I only just reacted in time to do an entire lap of the roundabout. She was turning right. Frightening at the time as there almost certainly would have been an incident had I not been paying enough attention, and I don't think she even realised what had happened.
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Old 13-07-2010, 22:14   #3
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Sadly it is becoming more common. This sounds exactly like what happened to Phil and Vix where the youngster followed a van out.
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Old 13-07-2010, 22:37   #4
Screaming Orgasm
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Glad you're OK - that's the main thing. Going after them wouldn't have been wise given there were two of them.
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Old 13-07-2010, 22:39   #5
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I saw this in Maidstone last week, a van going up Boxley Hill (a busyish residential road) at about 50mph with a fiesta about 1 foot away driving on the wrong side of the road to over take somebody.

They had to slam on their brakes as their was a traffic island and cars coming the opposite way.

F***ing morons. It's not often I wish bad things on others but these people deserve to be involved in an accident. (The only downside being that it will most likely be an innocent person involved on the other end).

It makes me mad
Look at your signature, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine.
Sadly, yours isn't mine.
But if you stopped writing about other things and made this your signature, yours could be like mine.
Look down, back up. Where are you?
You're on Boat Drinks, reading the signature your signature could be like.
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Old 14-07-2010, 03:09   #6
Dirteh Kitteh
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I am so glad I no longer do roadside assistance. Meaning I am no longer driving for a living. Hell, after just moving (again), I'm no longer driving at all! I walk to work now!

I had so many close calls I can't even begin to count. Some of them I was working on a customer's car with my Jeep behind it. Problem is my Jeep has strobes on the back and I would have my emergency flashers on as well. And yet I would STILL have people trying to run me down or honking at me to get out of the way.

I agree with Blighter's sentiment. ****ing morons.

A bullet may have your name on it, but shrapnel is addressed "to whom it may concern".
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Old 14-07-2010, 04:11   #7
Dr Cocktapuss
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Originally Posted by Belmit View Post
I've had similar a couple of times - always ended with me not reacting due to being flabbergasted by the actions of the other party.

Worst one was a roundabout where I was in the second lane and an old lady was in the first. I was going straight across, which was appropriate for the second lane of the exit, and I assumed she was going left or straight on in the first lane. Turns out she just hadn't got into the lane she needed to be in and continued around the roundabout despite me indicating left off and I only just reacted in time to do an entire lap of the roundabout. She was turning right. Frightening at the time as there almost certainly would have been an incident had I not been paying enough attention, and I don't think she even realised what had happened.
Seen this happen so many times I just automatically assume that the other person is an unobservant retard and stay well back on the roundabout

In fact thinking about it, I pretty much drive all the time as if everyone else is an unobservant retard - it makes a pleasant surprise when it turns out they aren't and lessens the shock when it turns out they are

Originally Posted by Blighter
F***ing morons. It's not often I wish bad things on others but these people deserve to be involved in an accident. (The only downside being that it will most likely be an innocent person involved on the other end).
That's what concrete posts and sign-posts are for

Last edited by Rich_L; 14-07-2010 at 04:13.
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Old 14-07-2010, 07:13   #8
The Last Airbender
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Going after them wouldn't have been wise given there were two of them.
The mood I was in for those couple minutes, it wouldn't have been a problem.
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Old 14-07-2010, 12:25   #9
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
Travelling home from work today, travelling through a quiet village called Gosfield and I'm in my sisters car that we had to borrow the last week or so. I'm driving down the main road at about 40mph when all of a sudden a silver Fiesta shoots from the other side of the road right across my lane and down a side road. It was bloody close. But worse than that, his mate in a maroon Ka thought it was OK to follow him about two foot from his bumper

I had to brake hard, swerve across to the other lane around the second car and then back in to my lane before hitting the oncoming traffic. Fook knows what it looked like from the outside but jebus, I didn't think my reactions would be that fast. I reckon I missed his back end by less than a foot and luckily still had reasonable room before getting too close to the oncoming traffic. I was VERY close to turning around and catching up with them down the road, but at the end of the day, where does that get you so I just merrily carried on my way.
Glad you're ok.

Lucky you live where you do. On my commute that car at the back would have hit the brakes deliberately so you definitely nearly hit them and had to come to a halt. Then if you'd done anything at all, sworn, shook a fist, made eye contact or whatever you'd have had the goon get out the car and start a fight.

Croydon. I ******* hate the place
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Old 15-07-2010, 13:43   #10
Vodka Martini
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I had something like this the other day. Coming around a large roundabout, I was turning right, indicating and so on, when some guy just shot out of the "straight on" lane across the front of me, forcing me to slam my brakes on and swerve or actually hit him (avoided him by only a foot or so). There's no way he could have "not seen me" or assumed I wasn't going across his path or whatever as the roundabout is quite big, and the lanes are a long way apart. I'd have been on the roundabout for a good few seconds.

Anyway, I gave the nob a blast on the hooter and recieved a single finger as he shot off into the distance. If I'd been in the Alfa, I'd have hit him, just to make a point!

There really are some pricks on the road...
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