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Old 24-09-2010, 22:12   #1
ex SAS
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How's your search for the perfect iPad case coming along?

I managed to get my Dodocase repaired but it's not perfect and it doesn't do a good enough job of holding the iPad in place. I quite fancy the Bookbook but I'm not sure about the elastic strap.
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Old 26-09-2010, 20:15   #2
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I have tried a LOT of cases, and have settled down to 2

Day to day, dodocase. I prefer this because it is discrete. I can carry it through Birmingham city centre and no one knows its an iPad. It is also pretty, and shows off the ipad really well.

The down sides are the corners KEEP peeling. I have replaced it with the new rubber corners and they keep coming off, i have asked for 2 more sets now. Other than than, its lovely, it is also ageing really nicely.

The other cass is use is the Apple case, i use it when i go on a shoot, its because its small, might and fit in my camera bag. Thats the reason i use it. The down side is that it screams iPad, even when shut, it is also a dirt magnet.

I haven't used the bookbook case since i got it, I realise it is too big and the zip takes time to open and close. I am thinking about the magic case by Yoobao, the down side for that case is it screams ipad too a bit, and the leather isn't real leather (the bookbook case is real leather).

If the corners for the dodocase stays on then i would love it even more. I have put a powersuport anti glare screen protect on now too so in a way, the ipad is totally protected even when opened.

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Old 30-09-2010, 21:59   #3
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That's very interesting, thank you. I like the Dodocase concept but I've not been overly lucky with mine. I managed to drop my iPad off of the bed which smashed two of the corners off. I've had it repaired but it's not great - The iPad doesn't stay in very well because the bamboo is slightly warped and although I've tried the trick of having it in a bathroom with lots of moisture I've never been able to get it back in shape.

How thick is the bookbook?

I have just ordered a case from here though, the Perfect Black version and I'll report back once I've got it.
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Old 01-10-2010, 22:36   #4
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I have one of those too !!!! fake PVA Leather (smells a bit when you first get it), I don't like it because it does't have that flap that tucks in the back of the iPad like the Apple case. It is that Flap that stops it sliding out. Also the other thing, the bezel is covered, its not such a big problem in most cases but it restricts your screen estate in terms of finger movement, you can no longer move 100% to the edge as your finger will hit the leather first. I also like to see the metal bezel of the iPad, which is why i like the Dodocase.

You can actually get replacement corners from Dodo themselve, i just order my second batch free of charge.

At the moment, I only have 3 rubber corners for my iPad so I am using a cheap £5 plastic back to protect the back and a felt sleeve to carry it in, I have a screen protector too so I am less worried about it being open now.

btw, the Bookbook case is about an inch and a quarter thick!

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Old 02-10-2010, 08:53   #5
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I don't think my problem with the dodocase is the corners themselves, it's the fact that the bamboo is fundamentally warped! As it dries out it gradually goes back to the slightly bent shape and I have to reintroduce moisture and force the edges straight. If I do that, it's OK for a while until it dries out again. This sounds as though it's dripping wet, of course it's not like that, it's just moisture in the fibres of the wood.

Are you sure we're talking about the same case when you say it's fake leather? They make a very big thing about the quality of the leather they use and it's a major selling point. All the reviews I've read on different sites of the Aligata cases comment on the top quality of the leather and the iPad doesn't slip because of a friction ring mounted to the inside of the case which stops it from moving.

If it turns up and it's not real leather, it's going straight back!
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Old 02-10-2010, 10:22   #6
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I was quite concerned so I emailed Tom to ask about the leather, this is his reply.

Hello, Feek,

Thank you for contacting me!

Well, you can say many things about my cases: they may be heavy, thick, imperfect. But the last thing to say about them would be "fake leather" .

They are made of either natural grain bovine leather (Nude Beauty, Nippon, Snow White) or top grain bovine leather (Perfect Black, Dark Chocolate). The leather is thick and you can see the exposed edges, so that you know it is leather.

The closest leather quality to my natural grain cases is Kenton Sorenson.

If your friend is not happy with the purchase, tell him to mail me. He can always get a refund. I never make problems. If he claims it is fake leather, tell him to show you his case. You will be able to judge yourself.

What model of Aligata case does he have?

If your friend does not believe it is leather, tell him to go to some local leather authority and ask.

Anyway, my cases are 100% bovine leather, from polish cows , handmade in Poland. I just do not use any other material.

Thank you!
Best regards,

Tom Skalczynski

Last edited by Feek; 02-10-2010 at 10:38.
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Old 02-10-2010, 11:36   #7
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Sorry i should have made it clear when I said "i have one of those too" i meant the design, not that brand. Mine was $30, off ebay.

Also, make sure it doesn't cover the light sensor at the top, which controls screen brightness, and make sure it lines up right.

Actually, i quite like a hardwood case, but they are all too thick and like a picture frame.

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Old 03-10-2010, 11:41   #8
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*phew* that's good to know, you had me worried there!

Yes, it does have a cutout for the light sensor and it's not supposed to slip with the friction ring on the back.
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