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Old 02-05-2012, 19:23   #1
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Question Local Elections

Tomorrow is the day of local elections and I wondered how many of you are going to make sure you cast your vote?

Those of you that do: Do you bother to read up on the candidates involved and vote for specific people whose policies closest match your own? Do you fall back on a general knowledge of the party you normally support and go with them? Other reasons?

Those of you that don't: Is it because you just don't feel involved in politics or is it just something that doesn't interest you? Do you feel that none of the candidates will make any difference and you only have the choice of a lesser of many evils? Other reasons?

I'm not necessarily expecting to get that many non voters in here.... I'm not sure people who don't want to vote will care about a local elections thread. Then again it depends on their reason for not voting

From my perspective I read up on the candidates themselves and their policies. I vote because it's my opportunity to be involved, I can hardly complain about the state of the country/local area if I don't bother to participate (in my opinion!).
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Old 02-05-2012, 23:06   #2
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Read up on all the leaflets that have been thrust through the door and at least here there is very little between them all.

I'm most likely to vote for the only candidate that actually bothered to knock on my door who just happens to be my old maths teacher.

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Old 02-05-2012, 23:12   #3
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I always vote. Whether it's for the general election, local election, Welsh assembly, whatever. I moan enough about politics that it's only right that I do!

I'm going to have to spend some time in the morning reading up on the candidates though. Annoyingly, we've only had one person knock on the door about it or put a leaflet through the door (Labour) which is a bit rubbish. I prefer to vote according to whose policies match mine, although invariably it tends to be the same party as the general election.
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Old 02-05-2012, 23:31   #4
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Local Labour and Lib Dem candidates have both been knocking at my door and seem desperate to tell me that the Conservative candidate cannot win and therefore I should vote for them.

As a result I will be voting for the Conservative candidate as:
a. I utterly despise negative campaigning.
b. If true I get to waste my vote whist actually voting.
c. In the case of Labour I'd rather cut my cock off than vote for someone in the same party as Harriet Harman.
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Old 03-05-2012, 08:07   #5
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I always vote as it gives me the excuse to be able to moan and complain!

Also, I don't want that **** Ken back in power.

I don't want Labour anywhere near any sort of power or control. Neither do I want the BNP in with a chance of getting more power.

As such I shall be casting my vote in such a way that this doesn't happen.
No No!
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Old 03-05-2012, 08:40   #6
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
As such I shall be casting my vote in such a way that this doesn't happen.
So you'll be voting for The Blonde Bombshell then?

I always vote as I find it atrocious that so many are lethargic about it and would rather bitch about "the state this country is in" to their mates down the pub than get off their collective arses and actually have a say in how the country is run, and I agree with Will that if you vote then you have a right to moan about things!

And relax...

I've been reading up on the policies of the London Mayoral candidates and two have quite definite points which are in line with things I'm concerned about (and everyone, apart from the amusing BNP candidate, has the proper major concerns on their manifesto) and so I'll be voting for the one I think is most likely to stand a chance of winning

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 03-05-2012, 08:46   #7
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The BNP manifesto is just laughable!
No No!
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Old 03-05-2012, 09:37   #8
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Originally Posted by Psymonkee View Post
Read up on all the leaflets that have been thrust through the door and at least here there is very little between them all.
Originally Posted by Del Lardo View Post
I utterly despise negative campaigning.

All the leaflets I've had say 'Labour can't win here' and that really gets my goat, even though I'm not a Labour supporter. Aside from that both the other main candidates have pretty identical pledges. I know where the polling station is, I have my polling card, but I really can't decide.
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Old 03-05-2012, 11:04   #9
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I have looked through to see what's happening and on offer but it just seems like I'm trying to pick the lesser of evils.

All the candidates seem like wet rags and have no life to them. I liked my local MP when I was in Exeter (even though he was for labour who I wasn't best impressed with) but he did a fantastic job around Exeter. Due to his passion and drive and response to the public I voted for him.

I just can't decide and probably won't this year. Sounds selfish and perhaps daft but I'm not in the Country for the next year and a half so don't feel I have the right to vote for something that won't be directly affecting me for the next few years!

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Old 03-05-2012, 12:03   #10
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Even his name is funny.

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