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Old 14-10-2011, 16:10   #1
Del Lardo
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Default Forza 4

I'm a huge fan of the series though I'll admit that Forza 3 didn't grab me as much as the previous two. Well Forza 4 seems to be largely back on track (fnar) and there is a demo on XBL for those who want to give it a bash.

Generally more of the same but the car handling is massively improved and the AI whilst still not perfect seems to be better. Still not enough tracks to make me truly happy (though Top Gear test track is now included which is great for fun value) and the inclusion of knocking down cone challenges makes me furious (I want to race, not play bowling) but all in I can see me wasting many, many hours on this game.
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Old 14-10-2011, 16:51   #2
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I'm eagerly looking forward to my copy arriving. Hopefully tomorrow

Don't blame you with the cone challenge stuff. DiRT3 was full of silly challenges that drove me mad (no pun intended ). I want to race, not do stuff like that!
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Old 14-10-2011, 16:55   #3
Del Lardo
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Luckily unlike Forza 1/2 (can't remember which) you can fail them and it lets you carry on. Also getting a very high bias towards classic American cars as the level up awards at the moment (think I'm level 7/8 and last 4 have been American) which is annoying as frankly I have no interest in them. Wondering if I'm getting them as I downloaded the American car pack as part of the Season Pass.

On the plus side I'd just bought myself a lovely 1980 Lotus Esprit Turbo
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Old 14-10-2011, 20:42   #4
Baby Bore
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BD car club is up

Club name is Boat Drinks and the tag is obdo :-)


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 14-10-2011, 22:21   #5
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Yay. Will join once my copy arrives
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Old 15-10-2011, 09:49   #6
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It's really very good.

My only major disappointment so far is the AI for two reasons. The first being the difficulty setting itself, meaning at the first race I won by 20 seconds, the next race only 2 and then since then generally about 1 or 2 seconds.

The second is the fact they seem oblivious to your presence unless you are directly in front or behind them. If you're alongside, they're more than happy to smash straight into you in an attempt to take the racing line, even if you're alongside but marginally in front, and they keep pushing you. They don't make contact and then react, they just keep shoving and shoving until you're either off the track or you've spun round. They also don't seem to lose anywhere near as much speed as you in these cases.

All the other elements of the game are fantastic, the cars handle brilliantly but are still challenging to drive, they'll twitch and turn, squirm under braking etc. but never once feeling like they've tried to make the game 'hard' by making the cars crap.
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Old 15-10-2011, 11:50   #7
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My copy has still not arrived
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Old 15-10-2011, 20:31   #8
The Last Airbender
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Picked this up yesterday with the rest of my leftover birthday money

Liking the style so far but do wish there were a few more tracks in it. Must admit I'm getting bored with the same old tracks but there's enough new stuff in here to keep my occupied for a little while. Will sign up to the BD team next time I'm on

Loving the TG stuff too, nice little addition. Is this in every release around the world or just the UK? If it is around the world, did they pick a local TV prog for each country? Can't imagine they did as it would just be too much work but not sure how many people around the world even know what TG is.
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Old 15-10-2011, 22:18   #9
Del Lardo
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post

Loving the TG stuff too, nice little addition. Is this in every release around the world or just the UK? If it is around the world, did they pick a local TV prog for each country? Can't imagine they did as it would just be too much work but not sure how many people around the world even know what TG is.
Broadcast is quite a few countries

1.1 Australia
1.2 Belgium
1.3 Bulgaria
1.4 Canada
1.5 Czech Republic
1.6 Denmark
1.7 Estonia
1.8 Finland
1.9 Germany
1.10 Greece
1.11 Hong Kong
1.12 Hungary
1.13 Iceland
1.14 India
1.15 Ireland
1.16 Israel
1.17 Italy
1.18 Japan
1.19 Malaysia
1.20 Latvia
1.21 Lithuania
1.22 Mexico
1.23 Netherlands
1.24 New Zealand
1.25 North America
1.26 Norway
1.27 Poland
1.28 Portugal
1.29 Romania
1.30 Russia
1.31 Slovenia
1.32 Serbia
1.33 South Africa
1.34 Spain
1.35 Sweden
1.36 The Middle East
1.37 United Kingdom
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Old 16-10-2011, 13:05   #10
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Broadcast and popular are different things though. I didn't think it would be quite such a hit elsewhere
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