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Old 22-01-2012, 21:54   #1
Deep Throat
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Red face Sheewees!

Hey hey people!

Posting on BD here (was going to post on a girlie forum I know but thought fellas here might have missus that have used these!)

So... whose had the chance to use one of these and if so, what brand and your thoughts!? (Obviously aimed at ladies on here and partners of fellas... as in the question is aimed at... not the sheewee!)

Seriously considering getting one for our RTW trip on bikes... don't think I like the idea of stinky toilets / dropping bulky biking gear on gross toilet floors or trying to squat / balance in the rain! I can see there being the odd misfire with squatting in HUGE trousers and bulky boots in muddy/sandy terrain tired from travelling and I think weeing on trousers I will be wearing for a whole year would be a stinky and gross affair!

Thing is I think I will have to train myself to pee standing up... I just... I have tried peeing standing upright before and it took a vast amount of concentration! It's not an easy thing to do for us ladies!

I do start the loveliest of threads Apologies for anyone who may be om nomming right now!!
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Old 22-01-2012, 22:10   #2
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I read the thread title and at first thought you were talking about some make of shoes I'd never heard of

Then I saw the bit about weeing standing up and it clicked
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Old 22-01-2012, 22:14   #3
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Don't know a huge amount about them but check out websites/forums of music festivals: T in the Park/Sonisphere/Download etc as folk use them there all the time - might be some useful suggestions there

Sonisphere FMC Code: 1k949178
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Old 22-01-2012, 22:36   #4
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I have a friend who has one and who hasn't yet wee'd down her leg. The festival suggestion is a good one, I'd do that!

NB: I also came in here looking for shoes.
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Old 22-01-2012, 22:49   #5
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We went on a product testing camping trip at work in November, and ended up sharing one around the group.

Although I'm not sure we used it correctly....

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Old 22-01-2012, 23:10   #6
Deep Throat
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I do hope that wasn't used Blighter!!


Liking the fact the ladies thought it was about shoesies!

Looked at a few camping forums and hikers (thanks for the suggestion didn't occur to me! Long weekend!)... shewees are the most popular versus whizz freedom! You can get knickers with proper entry sections too!

Might have to purchase and test out!
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Old 23-01-2012, 01:31   #7
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Not a female but from working in the market... If you get any, get a shewee! They've been around yonks and are used by lots and lots of women!
Can even get extender kits to reduce the, erm, 'spillage' in high winds!
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Old 23-01-2012, 11:49   #8
Vodka Martini
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Can you get a stadium-pal for a girl? Then you don't even have to get off your bike
I have something I wanna tell you. I'm not like other guys.
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Old 23-01-2012, 13:19   #9
Deep Throat
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Ahahaha! I am not weeing whilst on my bike! So many things could go wrong!! I'm going to be on quite bumpy terrain too at times... that doesn't sound like fun with wild wee everywhere! I'd rather jiggle about a bit and find a bush!

Hahahahha! Well... I've read the reviews and I think a shewee is a good move! I will probably pick one up in the next few weeks to practice with.... I will let you know how I get on!

(Note, don't worry at the next meet I won't be with the guys in the toilet having a stand up wee with you and conversations! I know that'd freak you all out! )
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Old 23-01-2012, 20:52   #10
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Thanks for the mental image of you weeing standing up. I need to wash my brain with soap now
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