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Old 26-07-2011, 09:53   #1
Deep Throat
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Talking Alaska to Ushuaia then Africa!! BRUM BRUM!

Hey Hey People!

Exciting times AHOY! Sam and I are planning a bit of a road trip mid/end next year which is going to be MEGA! Whoop whoop!

The plan is... Travel from the tip of Alaska alllll the way down through South America to Ushuaia then potentially flying over to South Africa and travelling up home to the UK... all on motorbikes!


The only stumbling block we kind of have at the moment is that I've never ridden a motorbike before (haha!) so am kind of having to get on board quickly and get me some off roading jaunts sorted! Sam has done muchos on a bike though (travelled around the world pretty much) so I have an experienced one to help guide!

We're going to be doing it all for charity although not fully set on which ones to go for - any suggestions would be fab! We've got a meeting in the next couple of weeks with a campaign called Get On... they're very interested in following the whole thing through and have suggested filming and things too. They recently helped a load of celebrities get on bikes (people from Corrie and Blue Peter etc) so they could get them down to Africa for a Charity cause.

As we're doing it for charity, if there's anyone here that has any journalistic links to people who might be interested in doing an article over what we're doing... that would be mega helpful. That or TV/Radio links too! We want as much coverage as possible so we can raise as much wonga as we can!

So... yeh! Wheeeeeeeee! Hahaha! Can't wait! The bikes we're sorting out are KTM Enduros 690 R... should be a giggle!

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Old 26-07-2011, 10:03   #2
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Pheebs on a bike? This can only end in tears
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Old 26-07-2011, 10:39   #3
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Be thankful she's not doing it on roller skates!

I shall see if I have any contacts that may be of use to you although you'll need more of a solid idea of dates/route/details before you can approach really. Am happy to write any press releases (along with the help of our guru Mei Mei)/do photos etc if you wish
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Old 26-07-2011, 11:02   #4
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Sounds like an amazing adventure!! Rather envious! I'll be keeping a close eye on it!
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Old 26-07-2011, 21:35   #5
Deep Throat
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Hahaha! I know Desmo! It's going to be hilaaaaaaaarious! Can't wait though!

Bikey bikes we're getting for the trip:

Mind we'd have to change a fair bit to get it up to speed with what we need it to do

Kitten - Send off date won't be set for a while yet as need to get training done and speak with the Get On people too The actual route is pretty much in place... we say we're thinking about Africa and the only thing that would stop us is funding... but we'll do it. I'm sure of it More details will follow!

Willhelm - you can always come plaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
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Old 26-07-2011, 21:41   #6
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Old 26-07-2011, 23:31   #7
Screaming Orgasm
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That's one heck of a journey, so I'd start with something shorter (like the UK) first. I did 3,000 miles in a coach and that was knackering enough for me - with a comfortable seat, no driving, and a suitcase!
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Old 27-07-2011, 09:09   #8
Vodka Martini
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That'll be hard work... did you see that thing with Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor driving down Africa? That was a major undertaking and had teams of people smoothing the way for them.

Most of central Africa is a bad place to be. The troubles in the DRC and Sudan are having a destabalising effect on Chad. There is a major disaster happening in the horn of Africa, which covers Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia (already a danger zone). There's the conflict in Libya. The "Arab Spring" is affecting the stability of Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, Western Sahara and Egypt.

Because of the size of the DRC and the Sudan, you will have to cross at least one of those countries. If you decide to take the route that means you spend the least time in one of those countries, you'll need to travel up the west coast, and that may also mean you come close to Burkina Faso and Cote D'Ivoire.

Even those African countries that could be considered relatively stable suffer from huge amounts of lawlessness, illegal weapons, carjacking, rape, murder and so on.

As for South America.. have you thought of the Motorcycle Diaries route?
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Old 27-07-2011, 09:11   #9
Deep Throat
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It's all about the challenge Mark, you should know by now I don't do things by halves! I've a year to learn and do some practice journeys (France and Scotland will be visited!) plus these guys at get on are up for helping me out aaaand I have Sam as an experienced rider! Weh hey!

Will I've got a year to make up what funds are needed... It's not going to be easy!
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Old 27-07-2011, 09:22   #10
Deep Throat
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Hey hey vol! Yeh we're aware of the problems in Africa.. these trips are never going to be particularly safe from time to time. We're waiting for this upcoming meeting to occur to sort out various ideas for routes but Sam in the meantime has started contacting motorcyclists he knows who have done the journey plus he's already done parts of north Africa! We'll be doing it proper though, don't you worry!
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