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Old 06-01-2010, 22:28   #1
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Default New processor?

I've decided it's too annoying having to reboot each time I want to run windows 7 in 32 bit - so I want to replace my processor with a better one that has VT so I can run virtual XP. But the question is, which proc? I currently have an E5300 (2.6ghz, 2mb L2, 800mhz). Any thoughts on a noticably better proc for about £100?

Here's the ones I can use:

I haven't got a flipping clue what's what these days I'm thinking maybe an E7600 from Scan at £93. Can I get better?

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Old 07-01-2010, 05:25   #2
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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I would be tempted to go for a quad core - that way you can assign two cores to the VM and 2 cores to the host. The cheapest, a Q8300, can be had from Ebuyer for about £105. It runs at 2.5GHz, so 100MHz slower than your E5300 but has 4MB L2 cache as opposed to your 2MB - it'd be almost like having two of your current CPUs in one machine.

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Old 07-01-2010, 14:51   #3
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Q8300 doesn't always support virtualisation though, so might not help him.

Processors that Support Intel VT (which is what you need to make use of 'XP Mode' in Windows 7) are:

Core 2 Duo
E6300, E6400, E6320, E6420, E6540, E6550, E6600, E6700, E6750, E6850, E5400, E7600, E8200, E8300, E8400, E8500, E8600 and some versions of the E7400 and E7500

Core 2 Quad
Q6600, Q6700, Q8400, Q8400S, Q9300, Q9400, Q9400S, Q9450, Q9550, Q9550S, Q9650 and some versions of the Q8300

The Q8300 depends on the stepping. SLB5W has no VT, SLGUR has VT. Might be easier to just grab a Q8400 if you're going that route, don't need to worry about getting the correct stepping.
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Old 07-01-2010, 15:22   #4
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Well, you learn something new every day

Apparently the SLGUR stepping was available from June but there's no guarantee the Ebuyer ones aren't old stock

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Old 07-01-2010, 15:24   #5
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Indeed, my Q9550 ended up being a C1 stepping chip despite the E0 having been available for something like 9 months before I bought mine. I don't know of any stores that will guarantee steppings on anything except maybe top end parts.
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Old 07-01-2010, 15:39   #6
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Ouch - my first Q6600 was a B1 and was hotter than magma. You tend to find that vendors will state that the stepping on popular CPUs like the Q6600 and the i7 920 are the good ones but don't bother on less popular lines.

Had a bit of a look round and Aria stated in an answer to a question back in November that their stock at that time was SLGUR. No guarantee that's still the case but there's a reasonable chance and, if they answered the question once, they'll probably answer it again.

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Old 07-01-2010, 19:07   #7
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Well I'm confused

Why the heck are there so many processors available? Surely they aren't all that different from each other

My bwain hurts

Might ask ebuyer if they can tell me what their Q8300s are. Again, you'd think intel would call it something different if they changed it!
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Old 07-01-2010, 21:13   #8
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Have sent a question. Don't really want to spend more than a ton. I don't push it all that much (although it's always nice to have something pokey
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Old 11-01-2010, 18:23   #9
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Figures, wait 2 working days to be told customer services aren't technically trained and I should ring (10p min!) pre-sales. So they can't ask pre-sales to look for me?

In the phone queue for them now (on a geographical number so out of my phone minutes fortunately)...

... which was a waste of 15 minutes

Last edited by Nutcase; 11-01-2010 at 18:33.
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Old 24-01-2010, 20:43   #10
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Given up waiting for ebuyer to finally give me an answer, so have a Q8400 on the way for £118
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