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Old 30-07-2007, 20:39   #1
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Default Wedding CD

You might remember I asked a while back how to burn an audio CD, and what software to use for a cover etc.

Well I reminded myself how rubbish I am at stuff like that, so knocked up a rough idea and handed it over to the proffesionals - minuteman press in Chelmsford.

Asked my friends if they were happy with the track order etc. and mentioned that there was room for one more song if they wanted it. Nope, it's fine.

So I ok'd the artwork, and got 10 sets made up. Collected them last Friday morning.

Friday afternoon "Oh, we've got another song to go on that CD".

The CD is a suprise, so they don't know about the posh versions. Well, I've decided, the actual normal CDR for the do WILL have the extra song, but buggered if I'm paying another £40 for it to be all printed again

You can't really tell, but the CD has been printed onto as well.
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Old 30-07-2007, 21:22   #2
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That's kind of what I hinted - I suggested they were just trying to fill the CD. It's actual purpose is for background during the meal, so if the servers do their job, it won't get to the end anyway!

Burnt 4 so far. Bored now
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Old 31-07-2007, 12:58   #3
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Looks lovely - what a great idea!
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Old 03-08-2007, 07:56   #4
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Had a last minute alteration, had to get the inserts reprinted to do it. Three reasons - 1) A word needed capitalising to match the rest of the text, 2) when in the case, the words were hard to read and 3) I got word that the suprise colour theme for the bridesmaids dresses, waistcoats, table decoration etc. is green.

Only cost £8 to get it redone, and I think it's better overall, but the green doesn't really work for the inside cover with Si's blue shirt, but tough cookie!

Oh, I think I upset the vicar at the rehearsal on Wednesday - Si was reading his vows and the vicar said "With conviction!", so I said "and yes, it is a conviction!". Oops They knew I was joking, not sure about the vicar!

Last edited by Nutcase; 03-08-2007 at 07:58.
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