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Old 28-05-2007, 14:08   #1
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Default 30gb DAP iAudio X5 or iPod Video?

Right i know most of you will tell me iAudio, but hear me out.
I've never been an iPod fan if i'm honest, but now seems the time. I can get a 30gb iPod Video (5.5g i think) with its universal dock for £120. I seems smaller than the iAudio, granted it deosn't support exotic file types but i use mp3 for the most. With Anapod explorer i assume i get drag and drop integration too.

So why should i look at spending around £200 for an iAudio X5 without a dock, for something that looks (to me) bigger? I think it has slightly better battery life, but around 10 hours will be all i need. Oh actually come to think about it i do want the radio, which this does have but it seems a bit of a price to pay for radio?

Help me! I don't know what to do I'm thinking iPod...

//Edit: Also looking at the iAudio interface and controls they seem pretty dated compared to the iPod i've never really liked th click wheel but then i've never owned an iPod, i've just used my friends they all love it, so i guess i will grow to love too? It seems to be praised for input...

//Edit2: Hold the phone, the X5 can't read ID3 tags!? Thats a bit archaic isn't it? Folder system only? How do i add extra meta data to tracks then? I don't I?

Last edited by LeperousDust; 28-05-2007 at 14:22.
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Old 28-05-2007, 14:15   #2
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People knock the iPod because it's fashionable to knock something which is popular. I've got a mini which I bought before they were available over here and I still love it, it works very well and is easy to use. What I don't like is iTunes though but I believe there are alternatives to it. I'd go with the iPod.
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Old 28-05-2007, 14:46   #3
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Yeah i dont like itunes at all, but i plan to bypass that via anapod explorer I used redchair software back in the day of the FIRST creative zen (wow what 10 years ago maybe now? :S ok 8 possibly...)
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Old 28-05-2007, 16:59   #4
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iAudio - no question.

Drag and drop, better sound quality, flac/mp3/wma/wav/ogg support.

As for the ID3 tag support... I don't see how thats relevent. Do you have all your files in one large folder or have them seperated up?

It can read id3 tags, it just doesn't use them - folder systems work well.
\\artist\album\ is all thats needed anyway. Why do you want to add extra meta data to the tracks for? Most things only read the artist and album anyway.

Control system works well too. Very easy to use.

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Old 28-05-2007, 17:41   #5
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Flibster this isn't meant as a direct attack, but you seem very biased

If it can read ID3 tags, searching and sorting by them would be sensible. Most of my tracks are folder ordered, but the odd one escapes and being able to use both is good too. What do i do with various artists albums with only folder view? With both on my old archos i had the best of both worlds.

The iAudio looks a hell of a lot bigger granted its got better codec support, but so what im MP3 only, and an FM reciever (plus for me). Drag and drop is a moot point with anapod the ipod is like that too. ok so i can't drag and drop from random computers but i doubt i'd have a usb lead with me anyways, so thats not really a plus in my books...

The controls look adequate, but the iPods look better, also the bigger screen might be ok for watching the news podcast in the morning too.

So apart from lack of radio, what doesn't the iPod do? I would like better battery life, but to get that with the iAudio 5XL its bloody huge! 30+ hours is great, but i might as well lug a car battery, so i'd only be getting the 5X which is about comparable with an ipod...

Nobdoy has sold it yet to me yet. Oh also i can put rockbox on both and enable flac and ogg and other codec support too... I doubt i'd notice the slight difference in sound quality between the iPod and X5. So again it seems to boil down to radio and lack of free dock...
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Old 28-05-2007, 19:52   #6
Dr. Z
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I have an X5 with RockBox and its great.

Its tentatively "up for sale" too, if you want to make me an offer
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Old 28-05-2007, 20:45   #7
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This probably sounds cheeky because to you its a bettery player, but even if it was the 30gb iAudio x5, i'd only offer around £100 for it. I don't really expect you to except that. Two reasons, i think i've decided i want an iPod (stone me ). I can get a 30gb iPod Video *with* dock for £120. So you'd do me a favour to say no, because then i won't have something in the back of my mind saying go for it! Don't confuse me!

Hmmmmm still not sure, i want a radio, but i'm thinking i could do without and use my phone for that now... Which means i'd be stupid not to get this iPod... Choices!
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Old 28-05-2007, 22:43   #8
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That is all.

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Old 28-05-2007, 23:41   #9
Dr. Z
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I was actually going to offer it to you for less than £100... (and yes, its the 30Gb version)

FWIW Feek, the output stages in the X5 are a fair bit better than those found in the iPods, but then its all "subjective" isnt it

Last edited by Dr. Z; 28-05-2007 at 23:44.
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Old 29-05-2007, 01:27   #10
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Awwww bollocks, DRZ i told you to refuse me, really your clouding my vision. As much as i've never owned an iPod, and never been a fan of people buying them for fashion and all this. I think i'm gonna grab one. It fits the bill. Small, cheap, very user friendly, etc... I can't see why i shant, at least feek agrees... I'm not trying to turn you down DRZ, its just the X5 (no matter how good) doesn't seem to fit for me. Although i can't quite put my finger on it:undecided:.
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