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Old 22-10-2007, 23:30   #1
Dr. Z
I'm going for a scuttle...
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default In the Police? In here!

Hi there!

Tonight I was pulled over by the Police for actually nothing at all! I went through a set of lights I know really well *just* as they turned to amber - as in, I went through them and as I crossed the line they changed. Put my foot down a bit in fairness, probably to an indicated shade over 40mph but my speedo is a fair bit out anyway so I am confident I wasn't actually speeding.

Anyways, I get allll the way home (next to the police station as it happens) and he pulls in behind me (in a Fiesta I think, on his own) and opens my door:

"What is the speed limit along that stretch of road?"


"Right, well I had to do over 70mph to catch up with you"

"Err, no way on EARTH was I going anything like 70mph!! Pretty much 40mph"

"You also ran a light, I was watching them"

"No, I went through it on green and as I crossed the line it changed to amber"

"Do you know what amber means?"

"Stop if it is safe to do so"

"What if I had been coming through there with the blue lights on?"

"Well, I would have seen/heard you, but even if I hadn't, it was still on green for me and there wouldn't have been much I could have done"

"Well, one or both of us would have been seriously injured. What if a drunk had stepped out in front of you at that speed?"

At this point I reiterated that I didn't believe I was speeding and that I was in the outside lane of the dual carraigeway, but said that had someone ran out in front of me, there wouldn't have been much anyone could do.

He said "You also have a VERY loud exhaust" - I told him that it was the standard Toyota exhaust. Not sure what his intention was by mentioning that? In fairness, it is probably louder than 99.9% of stock exhaust systems but meh...

He then told me that he had ran my plate and got my details and that should I commit another offence in the future, he would prosecute me. Thing is, I didn't actually commit an offence?

Am I going to get loads of grief from the local cops for not actually giving them anything to book me for? I cba getting pulled over left right and centre! He obviously wasn't a traffic officer and was alone in a panda car so I didn't think they had the powers to make comment on things like that?

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