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Old 24-11-2007, 11:17   #1
A large glass of Merlot
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Default Who Am I?

I was born in 1955 in Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, the tallest of six brothers.

My early life saw me playing basketball before writing and starring in musicals in LA. I moved on to film and TV where I met my wife.

My most famous film saw me cast as a larger than life monster towering over the other actors, most notably the lead actor..

I died in 1991 of HIV which I contracted through a blood transfusion.

My most famous, albeit only, line is "Ugly mother****er."

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 24-11-2007, 11:45   #2
Abandoned Ship
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Kevin Peter Hall?

i was an alcoholic doctor with a penchant for acting and comedy.
i lived 1941 - 1989, my legacy - an urn of ashes that were knocked over, spilt and cleaned up with a dust buster (charming!)
who am i?
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Old 24-11-2007, 11:58   #3
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Graham Chapman of Monty Python fame.

I lived from 1918 to 1988
I was a jokster but well respected in my area of expertise.
Bored with top secret research, I took to hacking the combination locks on top-secret filing cabinets and developed a passion for lock picking.
I was described as half-genius, half-buffoon which was later revised to "all-genius, all-buffoon".
who am I?

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Old 24-11-2007, 12:24   #4
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That was Richard Feynman

Born in 1895 into a showbiz family I am a reknowned film star and director of the silent era called Joseph.
My father was a friend of Harry Houdini and it was the escapologist who gave me my far more familiar nickname.

I was married three times. The break up of my first marriage led to a period of alcoholism which in turn led to my being institutionalised. My second marriage was to my nurse- although I was so drunk I have no memory of the act.

I have two stars on the Hollywood walk of fame and died in 1966.

Who am I?

Get old, or die tryin'
- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.

Last edited by Pumpkinstew; 24-11-2007 at 12:35.
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Old 24-11-2007, 18:27   #5
Shoes, Boobs & Corsets
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Buster Keaton

Born in 1919 to Ukrainian immigrant parents in Pennsylvania, I worked as a coal miner in my youth.

By the late 1930s I was a professional boxer and compiled a record of 15 consecutive victories with 12 knockouts before fighting a future heavyweight contender. With the outbreak WWII, my boxing career ended and my military career began. I was a student pilot and while undergoing training I was disfigured by burns when bailing out of the plane. I underwent much reconstructive surgery and was discharged in 1944. I put myself through University (where I studied drama) by working as a short order cook, waiter, photographer’s model and a lifeguard.

I started my acting career on Broadway but soon moved on to Hollywood where I received an Oscar nomination for my third film role. I continued acting until 2004 receiving many awards and nominations. At 73 years old I could still perform 1 handed push-ups. I died aged 87 in Santa Barbara County.
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Old 24-11-2007, 22:27   #6
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Jack Palance

I was born in 1960 and was mainly known by only my first name. I was widely considered to be the first "supermodel". By the end of 1978 I was already a well-established model.

I unfortunately started using drugs after my agent died in 1980. I attempted to quit but after a friend died in a car accident I started to use again.

My last cover was the winter of 1982.

I was infected with HIV and died of AIDs aged 26. I am considered the first famous woman to die of AIDs.
The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

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Old 25-11-2007, 00:51   #7
The list is long, but distinguished
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Gia Carangi?

I was born in 1923. I had 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Early on, one of my brothers accidently killed one of my sisters with a shotgun.

In 1944, the French Resistance helped me get to Spain, so that I could return to England. Whilst with the French Resistance, I helped make bombs and received a medal for helping someone across the Pyrenees.

I am still alive.
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Old 15-12-2007, 22:02   #8
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Originally Posted by Goose View Post
Gia Carangi?
Yup - no idea who you are without googling though
The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

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Old 16-12-2007, 00:11   #9
Preparing more tumbleweed
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Chuck Yeager, the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound during ascent and level flying Thats been bugging me for weeks now.. knew who it was just couldn't think of his name.


Who am I? I was born to immigrant parents in Paris not long into the 20th century. Though I was privileged enough to attended the Conservatoire de Paris studying music theory, I was a regular sight on the streets of Paris busking to get by, alongside playing my other love in the cinema during the silent movies. Not long thereafter I discovered my true musical love and helped form a famous all-string band. I've appeared on many recordings in the genre, and I even made a small appearance on "Wish you were here" by some strange British group.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?

Last edited by Garp; 16-12-2007 at 22:38. Reason: typo
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Old 16-12-2007, 18:54   #10
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Stéphane Grappelli.

Who am I?
I was born in the early 19th century. My father was a doctor in a hospital in a deprived area of Moscow. I was sent to a miltary academy in 1837 where I became a lieutenant, it was there I discovered my love of literature. I left the army in 1844 and my first successful work was published the following year.
I was exiled to Siberia in 1849 and upon my release in 1854 I was drafted into the army for a further 5 years.
After the deaths of my wife and brother in quick succession I took to gambling heavily and one of my best known works was written mainly to pay off gambling debts. I soon travelled to Western Europe and remarried. It was from this time, until my death, some 14 years later, that I produced some of my best work.
A contributary factor in my death was the epilepsy from which I had suffered with frequent seizures from an early age to the end of my life.

Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I...
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