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Old 06-01-2008, 01:58   #1
Dr. Z
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Default My first eBay problem :(

Yeah it was bound to happen but after many smooth transactions, the time has come for a baddun.

Came across an auction for a 4Gb Kingston ECC Ram kit on eBay sat at just over £5. I have been looking for some server ram for a while for one of my servers so I thought I would watch it and see how it went. I read the auction, saw the photo of 4 sticks of RAM and clicked watch.

Fast forward to the end of the auction - the RAM is there and with few bids it is still sat at £5.50. I figure that as the fact it isnt specifically listed as ECC (but IS listed as "server ram") its got to be worth a go at getting it supercheap so I lob in a bid of £20 with a few seconds to go and win it for £14.01.

At this point, I sit back and instead of feeling gleeful at having got £100worth of RAM for £14, I am a bit dubious as to why it was so cheap. I whacked the code visible on the chips into google and lo and behold, despite the fact that each chip has 1024 printed on it, it turns out to be a 1Gb kit of 4 matched 256Mb sticks.

I have emailed the seller and he is adamant that they are in fact 1Gb sticks but as I now know they aren't I really don't want to send him the money. At the moment, he doesn't seem to be taking this fact too well.

This could well turn out to be my first eBay neg or Non Paying Bidder "strike" but I don't feel like I am in the wrong because the listing clearly states its 4Gb when it isnt.

Originally Posted by eBay
Title: 4 GB SDRAM SERVER MEMORY 4 x 1 GIG (4Gb Kit)



4 x 1 GIG

(4Gb Kit)


Argharghargharghargh! :mad:
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:08   #2
Joey Tempest
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Let me guess, he has 4 as the quantity of them?

This argument came up on ocuk about a year ago and it went round in circles if it's what I'm thinking it is..

he's got (4 of) 1GB kits and has written the listing for the 4 kits rather than 1 kit and then saying he has 4 of them.

If I'm right then you are in the right! As the description is for the "Lot" and the quantity is for the multiple of the "Lot"
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:14   #3
Dr. Z
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Nope, he has just one of them. One 4Gb kit was what the listing was for, if you read the text it couldn't be more clear about what he is selling, only what he is selling isnt what he thinks it is.
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:16   #4
Joey Tempest
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hmmm, you're only going to be paying around £15 and he only has one of them I'd probably pay for it and complain later, it might take longer but I'd rather that than a no payment mark and a negative.

If the auction is exactly how you say and he only has a quantity of one then you'll get all your money back.
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:20   #5
Dr. Z
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I wont get the postage money back and then I run the risk of him never actually sending the money back (he comes across like a child in his replies, "thanx" and txt spk etc).

If he was using proper English then I might do it that way but at this rate I just dont trust him. Ebay should side with me, right? Might ask them what they think about it.
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:28   #6
Joey Tempest
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Yeah, best thing to do would be email them about it.

He's obviously taken the 2 photos of the actual RAM but ebay might say "he may have used a stock photo and they might not be accurate" but all kingston kits are labelled like that as it's a 1GB kit and it's the kit label on each stick.

Has he said that he is going to complain if you don't pay?
I sent an email to a user selling a Gibson Flying V becuase it turned out after the auction that it was a Wee-Vee which is a 1/2 scale guitar saying "you deliberately misled me with this auction, you have nowhere stated it is the Wee-Vee and have always called it a flying V. I will not be paying for this auction and am contemplating reporting you to ebay"

He accepted it and nothing more happened.
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:39   #7
Dr. Z
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Originally Posted by SidewinderINC View Post
Yeah, best thing to do would be email them about it.

He's obviously taken the 2 photos of the actual RAM but ebay might say "he may have used a stock photo and they might not be accurate" but all kingston kits are labelled like that as it's a 1GB kit and it's the kit label on each stick.

Has he said that he is going to complain if you don't pay?
I asked him to confirm that the photos were of the actual item and his reply indicated that it was the case.

He hasn't responded since my last message telling him that unless he could prove it was 4Gb of RAM I wouldn't be paying yet.

Time will tell and I have now contacted eBay about it.
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:40   #8
Joey Tempest
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Good luck mate
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:59   #9
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Got a link to the auction, I'd like to take a look.
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Old 06-01-2008, 03:19   #10
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