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Old 23-01-2008, 12:52   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 3,388
Default Piece of P*** Roast Chicken with roasted veg.

This is for 2-3 people. Can be easily adjusted.

3 Chicken legs with skin (the complete leg - thigh and drumstick)
4 medium potatos
2 carrots
2 largeish onions
2 cloves of garlic
Fresh Rosemary
Light olive oil

Large roasting tin.
Large plastic food bag.

Cube up the swede and potatos to rouchly 1"- 1.5" cubes - I generally do 2 lots potato to 1 lot swede. There is no need to peel the potato, just give them a good scrub.

Peel and slice the carrot into nice big chunks. Again, about 1" - 1.5"

Top and tail the onions and then chop in half and remove the outer layers.

Crush the garlic cloves and finely chop the rosemary.

Get the food bag and put the carrot, potato's and swede in the bag with a generous slug of the olive oil and the garlic and rosemary and some salt and pepper. Tie a knot loosly in the top to seal and give it a damn good shake to cover it all. Leave to marinade.

Heat the oven to 190°C *sorry... I'm elecric here no idea what that is a gas mark...* and add a bit of oil to the pan and stick in the oven to heat.

Once hot, put the chicken legs in the pan and then get the bag of veg and empty over the chicken.

Whack it in the oven and leave for 30 minutes. Take it out and baste the chicken. Stick it back in for another 30. Baste again.

At this point, you may want to do some more veg, I tend to do some steamed brocolli, mange tout or sugarsnap peas. but thats up to you.

After the first hour, baste again and stick back into the oven for another 20 mins.

Warm a couple of plates up and prepare the gravy. I cheat and use pre-made. I'm a lazy bastard at heart. You can use bisto if you want though.

Serve and eat.


You can replace the chook with other meats. Did one at the weekend with a nice lump of Pork. Didn't really need to change the cooking time much either. Think I added another 10mins on top.

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