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Old 08-07-2008, 14:21   #1
Combat Spanker
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Talking Your fave Simpson Songs...

Have a look in there, I cant believe they have done so many songs for the Simpsons My faves are...

When I Was Seventeen

Homer: Well beer, we've had some great times.
When I was seventeen,
I drank some very good beer,
I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID,
My name was Brian McGee,
I stayed up listening to Queen,
When I was seventeen.

See My Vest

Burns: Some men hunt for sport,
Others hunt for food,
The only thing I'm hunting for,
Is an outfit that looks good...

See my vest, see my vest,
Made from real gorilla chest,
Feel this sweater, there's no better,
Than authentic Irish setter.

See this hat, 'twas my cat,
My evening wear - vampire bat,
These white slippers are albino
African endangered rhino.

Grizzly bear underwear,
Turtles' necks, I've got my share,
Beret of poodle, on my noodle
It shall rest,

Try my red robin suit,
It comes one breast or two,
See my vest, see my vest,
See my vest.

Like my loafers? Former gophers -
It was that or skin my chauffeurs,
But a greyhound fur tuxedo
Would be best,

So let's prepare these dogs,
Mrs. Potts: Kill two for matching clogs,
Burns: See my vest, see my vest,
Oh please, won't you see my vest!
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Old 08-07-2008, 14:33   #2
Combat Spanker
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Ill let you know next Monday evening
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Old 08-07-2008, 14:38   #3
The Mouse King of Denmark
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There's two I love - The Kwik-E-Mart song and the one about the Burlesque House. Will go and look for them now...


The Spring In Springfield
Homer: You could close down Moe's,
Or the Kwik-E-Mart,
And nobody would care,
But the heart and soul
Of Springfield's in
Our Maison Derriere!

(music starts)

Belle: We're the sauce on your steak,
We're the cheese in your cake,
We put the spring in Springfield.
Dancing Girl 1: We're the lace on the nightgown,
Dancing Girl 2: The point after touchdown,
Belle and Dancing Girls: Yes we put the spring in Springfield.

Belle: We're that little extra spice
That makes existence extra-nice,
A giddy little thrill
At a reasonable price.
Lovejoy: Our only major quarrel's
With your total lack of morals.
Dancing Girl 3: Our skimpy costumes ain't so bad,
Dancing Girl 4: They seem to entertain your dad!

Belle and Dancing Girls: The gin in your martini,
The clams on your linguine,
Yes we keep the
(Belle flicks Bumblebee Man's antenna)
In Springfield!

Wiggum, Krusty, and Skinner: We remember our first visit,
Mayor Quimby: The service was exquisite!
Mrs Quimby: Why Joseph, I had no idea!
Mayor Quimby: Come on now, you were working here!
Grampa and Jasper: Without it we'd have had no fun
Since March of 1961!
Bart: To shut it down now would be twisted,
Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney: We just heard this place existed!

Dancing Girls: We're the highlights in your hairdo,
Apu: The extra arms on Vishnu,
Dancing Girls: So don't take the
(Barney opens a Krusty-in-the-box)
Mob: We won't take the
(Sideshow Mel blows on his slide-whistle)
Everyone: Yes let's keep the
(Moe crashes two garbage can lids together)
In Springfield!
Krusty hits his face with a pie, Willy accidentally hits Lenny in the head with a sledgehammer, Wiggum and the Comic Book Guy bounce their bellies together, Burns honks the horn on his antique car, Cap'n MacAllister reels in a fish, and Barney burps.

Who need the Kwik-E-Mart?
Apu: You see, whether igloo, hut, or lean-to, or a geodesic
dome, There's no structure I have been to, which I'd
rather call my home.

When I first arrived, you were all such jerks,
But now I've come to looooooove your quirks.

Maggie with her eyes so bright,
Marge with hair by Frank Lloyd Wright,
Lisa can philosophise, Bart's adept at spinning lies,
Homer's a delightful fella, sorry 'bout the salmonella.
Homer: Heh heh, that's OK.

Apu: Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart?
Now here comes the tricky part.
Oh, won't you rhyme with me?
Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart?
Marge: Their floors are stick-E-Mart,
Lisa: They made Dad sick-E-Mart,
Bart: Let's hurl a brick-E-Mart,
Homer: The Kwik-E-Mart is real... D'oh!

OFF: Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart?
Apu: Not meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...[held for next three lines]
OFF: Forget the Kwik-E-Mart,
Goodbye to Kwik-E-Mart,
Who needs the Kwik-E-mart?
Apu: Not me.


Last edited by Belmit; 08-07-2008 at 14:41.
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Old 08-07-2008, 14:42   #4
Combat Spanker
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Ill let you know next Monday MORNING then
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Old 08-07-2008, 14:44   #5
Combat Spanker
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Wiggum, Krusty, and Skinner: We remember our first visit,
Mayor Quimby: The service was exquisite!
Mrs Quimby: Why Joseph, I had no idea!
Mayor Quimby: Come on now, you were working here!

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Old 08-07-2008, 14:56   #6
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Flintstones Theme (Homer version)
Homer: Simpson! Homer Simpson!
He's the greatest guy in history,
From the, town of Springfield!
He's about to hit a chestnut tree!

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Old 08-07-2008, 16:51   #7
Vodka Martini
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The two songs I really like aren't on the O.P.'s link, so I had a quick listen again.

Sodomised version of :

*The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky, (from "Simpsons Christmas Stories" episode number: 365 season num: 17) :

I've still gotta bake my Christmas pie! (Marge)
I've gotta get dad a lousy tie! (Bart)
Christmas crowds is what I hate (Cleetus)
No time left to procrastinate (Sideshow Mel)
So move your ass (Lenny)
and let me pass (Carl)
'cause Christmas eve is here! Argh!

Er, why is the Santa suit so snug? (Mayor Quimby)
Grr why should I care it's all humbug! (Mr Burns)
I've jacked my prices up so high (Apu)
but there's no chance these saps would buy
a steal eggnog, (??)
a green hotdog,
because Christmas eve is here!

These holiday cookies swell my fat! (Jeff Albertson - "Comic book guy")
yeardeedididar da yadar Cat! (Eleanor Abernathy - "Crazy cat lady")
Even though we're not gentile (Krusty)
we'll get together for a while
to share dabreeze (??) (Old Jewish guy)
to eat Chinese (Krusty's Dad / Rabbi Hyman Krustofski)
because Christmas eve is here - OI!!

Christmas is a family day (Marge)
I told Grandpa we were away (Homer)
He's at the door (Lisa)
let's hit the floor (Bart)
'cause Christmas eve is here!

*Die Zauberfloete by Mozart (melody weirdly enough: Eine kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart), (from "The Margical mystery tour"; episode number: 324; season num: 15) :

Beans -oh beans, delicious in your mouth! (Sideshow Mel)
But, watchout - when beans come out down south (random unknown)
Tooting, some call it pooting
it's air polluting; the gas comes shooting -
right from your your butt butt butt, butt butt butt, butt butt butt buuutt!!

Last edited by Greenlizard0; 08-07-2008 at 18:33.
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Old 08-07-2008, 17:03   #8
Combat Spanker
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I cant remember that one, good though
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Old 08-07-2008, 18:26   #9
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The Stonecutters Song!

Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do!
We dooooooo

Who holds back the electric car?
Who made Steve Guttenberg a star?
We do!
We do!

Who rigs every oscar night?
Who keeps the martians out of sight?
We do!
We dooooooooo.


Ooh. Not bad from memory. Here's what it should have been:

Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!
Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do! We do!
Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?
We do! We do!
Who robs cave fish of their sight?
Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do! We do!

Get old, or die tryin'
- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.

Last edited by Pumpkinstew; 08-07-2008 at 18:35.
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