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Old 13-06-2008, 13:06   #1
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 1,855
Angry RMT strike

Thought I'd make a post before the media put the spin on how bad bob crow is. this isn't something we want to do, however it's something we feel we must. I'm surprised it hasn't been in the news more.

The strikes wont directly hit the trains. However if anything breaks then they will struggle to fix it before Monday. So it is very likely to hit some train services. As certain repairs have to be done within 3 days.
RMT members will now not book on for shifts that commence between midday on Saturday June 14 and 17:59 on Sunday June 15.
For the last two years network rail and the union have been trying to get a standard contract, pay and conditions. As after railtrack everything was contracted out and as such everyone is on different money, different working hours and different conditions. Network rail is slowly bringing most things back in house and as such a standard contract seems sensible.

Now in two years network rail have dragged there feet and missed deadline after deadline. Then when the final dead line arrived they suddenly produced a set of terms and conditions and said that is the only thing on the table.

These frankly are a joke, everyone employed already would stay on the same basic pay however. These are just points about pay, however a lot of other stuff is also totally absurd in refrence to skills and working practice.

1) new starts would be on between 4-8k a year less. They are struggling to keep new starts as it is. They are also trying to keep more skilled staff which can do more jobs. This is unacceptable on it's own.
2) they want to cut are night and weekend rate from 10% down to 6%
3) The only days we are guaranteed of is x-mas day, boxing day and new years day. They want to make it compulsory to work if they need the manpower.
4) we wouldn't get any pay rises till the new starts catch up with us. How long would that take 6 years. That in affect is a huge pay cut when you take into account inflation.
5) they want to make on call compulsory as well.

99% of RMT union members rejected these contracts and we where then balloted for strike action.

Network rail to try and look the good guys, said all existing employees could keep there contracts. Which sounds great. But if you changed jobs had a promotion etc. You would have to sign a new contract. So it's still rubbish.

A pretty unbiased article in the telegraph

Last edited by Glaucus; 13-06-2008 at 15:49.
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