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Old 23-07-2008, 14:29   #1
The Night Worker
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default Optician Debacle & general BS chat :-)

Ok so not only have I been having chest pain attacks but my eyes have been doing dodgey things as well over the last few weeks.
I've worn glasses for over 8 years now & don't feel right without them on even though for the first few years I didn't really need them on all the time.
Anyway I've been getting this thing wear the outside of my vision is like looking through water & I feel all disconnected to my eyes, Yer I know it don't make sense but that's the only way I can describe it.
So off down the Opticians today for my pre booked appointment, Goes in & the girls were great, then young dude gives me that ****ty puff in the eyes BS & then it's off into the MrDude for the eye testing bit, As I thought my vision has deteriorated, One eye is worst than the other as it always has been but they have both degraded since my last check a few years ago.
Because of how my vision is MrDude says I'll need 2 pairs of glasses, ! for Normal distance crap & 1 for reading (Proper Geek now you know I Read, Me Dad can't but I can )
Where was I ?
O yer it's off out to shop for 2 pairs of glasses now, 1 pair for street use & the other for indoors only geeky work (Please note how I cleverly made my bins Instantly cool by saying Street use + )
Mooches about I do checking the span dangly glasses out, All kin designer crap with dodgey arms with writing & labelling on it or Funky patterns
Oi Missus I says, You got owt without the Crap on it But of course the stuff without the crap on it looks like a pair of Jack Duckworths cast offs & cannot even be tried on by a Face like me () Let alone be seen in out on the street.
It's Not on I says & after an exhaustive search I found 2 relatively cool pairs, I made the geekread glasses slightly bigger as I had some idea in my head but have since forgot my reason
Anyways off up to the counter to make a Purchase baring in mind I have been a customer of theres for over 8 years. I'm going with these 2 (You woman with Big Booby's that I find really weird that I don't find attractive )
Ok she says you have to pay up front then they'll take 7 days coz you want reactorwhateveritscalled.
You what !!! I says, WTF am I paying for then if I can't have them.
Well some people don't come back for there glasses so we take the money first these days she says.
Are you Completely Mental I said, Why the hell would people not come in for glasses they NEED to make them able to see properly again, Surely you are kidding !!!
Nope she says its Policy.
Well not mine I says I'm out of here (Feet move on the spot for around 9 seconds then I speed off out the shop cartoon styley)
So I left the shop an hour after I got there without even ordering my much needed glasses, Pffff Damn Messas
To the next shop & **** me they wanted 65 quid just for the reactorwhatsitcalled lenses let alone the Oakley or whatever other panty boy style designer crap there was. There was even Ray Bans with the name splattered all up the side.
I said Mate I was wearing Ray Bans in the Kin 80's FFS why would I wear them now +

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So me & Young cool designer selling Dude laughed had a social chat then I left.
To the third shop, Much Fitter woman Lovely Breasts, No doubt when she takes her bra off they are as flat as most but whilst supported they were Poifect. Lovely little mounds of Goodness & Pleasure, I Digress...
Of course Lovely lady sorted me out & I have my 2 pair of Non labelled glasses ordered, Should be done by the 30th.
Was quite a compact little shop a D&A I think but the old biddy that was squashed up next to me was sociable & share a joke so it was cool. Nobody said owt about me staring either so it was a win win really

A day in the life of a ****.

Just read that through & that reads like one of my Old posts, I Like & I am posting it.

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