Went to this benefit gig last night and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Have posted this here as the cause is pretty interesting...
Originally Posted by www.controlBAE.com
In December 2006 the UK Government curtailed a Serious Fraud Office investigation into corruption allegations surrounding BAE Systems' arms deals with Saudi Arabia. CAAT and The Corner House immediately stated their intention to challenge the decision, and full grounds for their judicial review were lodged on the 19 April 2007. Alongside the legal proceedings, both organisations continue to highlight the vital issues the decision raises: the Government's unstinting support for the arms trade and its unwillingness to confront big business corruption.
The comedians who participated (Mark Thomas, Russell Brand, Simon Amstell, Ed Byrne, Jo Caulfield, Omid Djalili, Robin Ince, Stewart Lee, Josie Long, Mark Steel, Phil Nicholl and a surprise appearance by Bill Bailey), were all excellent and whilst some did talk about the cause (Russell Brand making everyone guffaw by becoming confused about his affiliations and having to say it was both bad and good, due to working for the BBC wasn't allowed to have an opinion) then there were the usual excellent performances from all involved (Ed Byrne - "My mother always said that anyone who needed to swear to make people laugh is a ****"

The actual case is very interesting. The Serious Fraud Office looking into claims of corruption in BAE Systems and being politely told by the Government to stop. Here's a bit from the introduction in the programme we all received...
Originally Posted by Mark Thomas
The background is this. Britain's biggest arms company, BAE Systems, is alleged to have paid bribes to a Saudi Prince. The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) say "Right'o that is very naughty, we'll have a look at that" and start getting their notebooks out. So far so good. Arms dealers accused of bribery. Police say they will investigate. What should have happened next is the cops dump the paperwork in the bottom drawer, do Sodoku puzzles for 6 months and then quietly announce that they found no evidence. End of story, everyone happy. But bugger me with the Telepgraph, the police only go and investigate properly! They start treating Britain's biggest arms dealer like the law actually applies to them! This is political correctness gone mad! If a British arms company can't pay millions to an Arab Prince without the police getting involved you might as well drive the ravens from the Tower of London, pour yourself a stiff one, sit back and watch Britain go to hell.
The only person who could inject some sanity into the proceedings at this point was Tony Blair (then Prime Minister), fortunately he does the right thing and has a quiet chat with the Serious Fraud Office saying words to the effect of "Leave it" and the SFO finally drop the case. And that should have been the end of it. Normality returns to the realm. The Union Jack flies high. Queen walks corgis. Church of ENgland sells jam at fetes. Children shoot each other on council estates. All are happy in Albion.
The benefit gig last night raised £40,000 to help pay the legal fees to get thie Serious Fraud Office back in court to get them to finish their investigation.
For more information on the actual cause then visit:
Control BAE
And info on the team:
Campaign Against Arms Trade
The Corner House
Fly Safe o/