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Old 28-09-2008, 18:34   #1
Vodka Martini
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Default Where have peoples manners gone to ?

I know this is going to make me sound a right old git but what has happened to peoples manners in public nowadays. I was out driving and just turned into a road where I stopped to give way to 3 cars coming through and not one acknowledged with a quick wave or flash of the lights. Now that's no big deal and certainly nothing to get your panties in a bunch about. It wasn't always like that though. Then in Tesco, people bump into you without either a sorry or whatever. It's like peoples public manners have gone out of the window. You feel as though your in the minority if you hold a door open for people nowadays. We can't always blame the kids and say they are bad mannered if we are not showing them a good example.

What an absolute stark contrast to when I have been to America and people are just well, better mannered.

Jesus I sound old

PC & Console LAN 9th-11th July
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:38   #2
Screaming Orgasm
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To be honest, Americans take it too far the other way. 'Have a nice day!'. Pish - you're just saying that because your boss told you to. You're really having an utterly ****e day. This means that when people really do mean it, it goes unnoticed.

Over here, a good dollop of it is just society today. Shame, but that's the truth. Pile on imminent recession, job losses all over the place, credit woes, etc., and all too often those who would normally care, cease. Hopefully it'll improve when all this madness is done with, but that's looking like a few years down the road now.
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:38   #3
Vodka Martini
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
I have developed a really bad habit of shouting 'YOU'RE WELCOME!!' if someone walks through a door I'm holding for them without acknowledging me.
Me too then I get ya sarky B****** in return

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Old 28-09-2008, 18:45   #4
Joey Tempest
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
To be honest, Americans take it too far the other way. 'Have a nice day!'. Pish - you're just saying that because your boss told you to. You're really having an utterly ****e day. This means that when people really do mean it, it goes unnoticed.

Over here, a good dollop of it is just society today. Shame, but that's the truth. Pile on imminent recession, job losses all over the place, credit woes, etc., and all too often those who would normally care, cease. Hopefully it'll improve when all this madness is done with, but that's looking like a few years down the road now.
I agree that quite a lot of the OTT niceness is definitely phoned it's but common courtesy to say sorry when you bump into somebody, or thanks when somebody does something to help you.
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:46   #5
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What are their reactions Kitten?

A guy bumped into me in Tescos yesterday, he was walking backwards down the aisle to move out of someones way and really hit me hard as I was trying to sidestep him. He was *so* apologetic, and couldnt say sorry enough, nice when that happens
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:50   #6
Abandoned Ship
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I never flash my lights, not for reasons of manners though.

I've always thought the influx of foreigners have done little to aid manners, combined with the perpetuation of chavs. Foreign people, particularly those who come from poor economic climates, tend to have learned manners that are far more confrontational than your average middle-class and even working class people.

However, go into the countryside and there are no lack of manners.
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:52   #7
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I find women round here are the most impatient and ungrateful drivers. I've simply stopped letting them out, since my courtesy is lost on them. I find women's movements in supermarkets and cars completely irrational, inconsiderate and un thought out so I expect the two are linked.
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:53   #8
Abandoned Ship
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Originally Posted by Jonny69 View Post
I find women round here are the most impatient and ungrateful drivers. I've simply stopped letting them out, since my courtesy is lost on them. I find women's movements in supermarkets and cars completely irrational, inconsiderate and un thought out so I expect the two are linked.
I wonder whether it is humour or sexist ignorance that sponsored this post.

I don't tend to tailor my manners to anyone else, and I think expecting strangers to automatically meet some kind of social behaviour is needy, although only slightly.

Last edited by cleanbluesky; 28-09-2008 at 18:55.
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:55   #9
nipples lol (o)(o)
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I get people staring at Marchant because he looks different, with children I dont mind it because theyre just naturally curious, however I find it very rude when adults do it because they should know better, some actually almost snap their necks staring at him, and I get really irate. Ive developed a habit of shouting

"WHAT!! Do you want his autograph or something?" or "He might not be able to walk but he can see you fine thanks!"

at them, which he finds hilarious and it makes me feel better too!

The not saying thankyou when you let people out thing drives me mad as well, or you get the ones who are off in their own little world, and cant see you pulled over waiting, and just glide on by, thus annoying the traffic coming the other way, and blocking the road.

And I always, always say sorry if I bash someone in the supermarket. I do wish people wouldnt hold their discussions about "what to have for tea," or "what are we going to buy to go with that" in the middle of the aisle though, thus creating a chicane with their trollies that then causes more chaos.

Im ranting now, so I shall stop, sorry! All the students started back at uni today, and invaded my lovely and quiet over the summer supermarket.
(and stole all the food)
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Old 28-09-2008, 18:59   #10
Abandoned Ship
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Originally Posted by Knipples View Post
I get people staring at Marchant because he looks different, with children I dont mind it because theyre just naturally curious, however I find it very rude when adults do it because they should know better, some actually almost snap their necks staring at him, and I get really irate. Ive developed a habit of shouting

"WHAT!! Do you want his autograph or something?" or "He might not be able to walk but he can see you fine thanks!"

at them, which he finds hilarious and it makes me feel better too!
I take it your son is disabled in some way. It's an interesting idea, because I suppose people are always going to stare at people who are different so you've got to deal with it one way or the other.

I don't really know what a good way to handle it is, getting aggressive with people who stare shows your son that its not okay for anyone to think less of him (if that's on their mind) but it seems too defensive - like he has something he needs to defend that others don't. Probably better to get aggressive.
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