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Old 20-01-2009, 12:41   #1
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Default Nasty crash on M62

Well there was a nasty smack on the M62 on the way to Leeds. A girl in a Clio went past me like I was standing (I was doing 70) at the time I said "bloody hell" in the car. A couple of moments later I see a clio shooting across the motorway backwards in a ball of tyre smoke and debri. Not sure what happened but there was a guy in the outside lane that looked like he had been smacked. Called all three services as the car caught fire after I pulled up a few hundred yards up the road. She was out and was away from the car (was fine). The guy in the other car looked fine.

Bloody testiment to modern cars as she must have hit the barriers at least 90 and got out walking. She was a very young girl.

Very very close one today Just another reason why I do 70 and leave a bloody breaking distance!!!

They are probably going to shut the M62 as the car really caught. Will ring rozzers and see if they want a witness statement.
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Old 20-01-2009, 12:48   #2
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Bloody hell

I'm always careful to leave myself plenty of space for braking too and I get really annoyed when someone overtakes and then sits behind the car in front inside my 'safety zone', forcing me to slow up to make a suitable space between me and them.

Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I...
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Old 20-01-2009, 13:14   #3
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Just off to give statement as they want one, bit shook up. Balls. Last thing I need at the moment. I have lunch and a book to take with me.
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Old 20-01-2009, 13:47   #4
Deep Throat
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Jesus Christ. Glad everyones okay, as well as yourself Matt.

*big hugs*

When coming back from London the other day I witnessed some stupid STUPID idiot all but ram another car off the road. He literally forced this car from the middle lane to the inside lane and then onto a turn off. He just drove right at him.

Bit further on he started to do exactly the same on the M3 and I watched in horror thinking "Oh God that person hasn't seen this guy pulling over... they're going to hit". Luckily they did spot the twit and swerved (to no where as they were boxed in but it saved them being hit).

Ended up calling the police and letting them know the car reg and watched him speed off doing at least a 100mph. 10mins later there were a load of police/ambulance and fire brigade crew out (couple of ambulances whizzed past) and byt the time we reached where it was all at, all I could see was a person on a stretcher being rushed to an ambulance from the ditch/bushes at the side of the road.

God knows whether it was this guy that caused it - wouldn't have surprised me in the slightest though.

So scary
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Old 20-01-2009, 14:31   #5
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Back, thats gotta be the fastest time of being in and out of a station ever! Perhaps nobody was being bad today? Given my details and statement over.

They were most amused when I pulled out a book and my lunch when they asked me to take a seat I said that its not the first time in a station.
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