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Old 29-10-2008, 13:19   #1
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Default I don't know why I'm a photographer

Bit of an odd one this. I've got 2 interviews tomorrow about my book and I've already been told that one of the questions is "What inspires me to go out and photograph Liverpool." Last time I did an interview I gave a rubbish answer. "Its the light." Sure we get nice light here and great sunsets but seriously, thats a rubbish answer and I feel its disrespectful to Liverpool. So I've spent a while thinking and I can't answer it. I know what I like to photograph, events, people, gigs, architecture, landscapes and such but I don't know why. In the early days when I was still doing a 9-5 desk job it was easy. It got me out, it was something different and a fun hobby. Its not a hobby anymore. I've come to realise that its what I was meant to do. Its who I am. I remember being a kid and framing things in my head without really knowing why. So why am I a photographer? Because its simply who I am? Because it gets me out? If that was the case then why do I goto Liverpool and not Chester? Chester is easier to get to and closer. Turn left, turn right, turn left and 15 minutes later I'm in Chester. Liverpool is lots of turns and a tunnel. Its about 25-30 mins for Liverpool. So why do I go there? Why did I get up yesterday, grab my cameras and head out into the heavy rain and sleet to photograph the newly opened Pier Head area? Is it simply because it makes a good photo? There must be something driving me to do this but I can't say what. Is it because I know I'll get a good photo? Is it simply that Liverpool is such a fantastic place that I know I'll always get a good photo there? So ultimately I just like taking nice photos...

War photographer James Natchwey, a hero of mine, says this;

"I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated."
He has a solid reason for what he does. He goes to the worst places in the world and hopes his photography can in some way prevent these things from happening. Maybe because I came into this from a hobby and that hobby was simply the enjoyment of taking photos. Maybe because I've never had a clear direction or aim in my photography I can't say why I do it. I used to say I simply take nice photos. Theres nothing complex about my work, I just want to show off Liverpool.

Maybe I'm over thinking this and the fact is that I just love the city and want to show it off. Maybe thats ok. But in my heart I have no idea why I'm doing this. All I know is that this is who I am and I'm going to keep doing it until I can't. Maybe I'll find out why along the way.
Thats no hamster, its a space station!
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Old 29-10-2008, 14:11   #2
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Pete, I cant answer your question, you've got me stumped. I will say this though...

You are a good photographer. A bloody good photographer. I know you must get fed up of hearing that, but its the truth. I dont know if you're thinking of giving up if its not a hobby anymore, but thats what we know and love you for.

I really admire you Pete, and as cheesy as this sounds, I aspire to be like you someday. Its like a young child looking up at a parent, hoping and wishing that someday, they will grow up to be like them. I am just a little seedling at the moment, someday Ill be you. Ill be that big oak tree (gagtastic that )

Dont you bloody well stop doing this, you're my inspiration.
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Old 29-10-2008, 14:15   #3
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You know Pete you answered your own question. But it would seem that you want a big impressive deep answer. Sometimes there isn't one. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to show off somewhere if you think its good, or the light or even that you started to get out of the house as an inspiration.

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Old 29-10-2008, 14:27   #4
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Originally Posted by Dee View Post
Dont you bloody well stop doing this, you're my inspiration.
Thank you It never gets old and I'm never fed up of hearing people say that. Not being egotistical simply that its just so nice for someone to say it. Especially on days like these when I'm feeling completely lost and so small. But don't worry, I'm not quitting any time soon. I feel like I've only started. I'm still waiting for someone from New York to call and fly me over to photograph something

Originally Posted by Blackstar View Post
But it would seem that you want a big impressive deep answer.
Yer quite possibly. Something that makes me sound like I know what I'm doing or something. Its easy to put great photographers on pedestals and expect everything they say to be amazing because what they do is amazing. They're amazing people. But then when someone puts you in the spotlight its more like a rabbit in car headlights situation.
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Old 29-10-2008, 14:32   #5
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Originally Posted by petemc View Post
I'm still waiting for someone from New York to call and fly me over to photograph something
Well dont you bloody well forget your seedling when they do

You could never give this up, never ever
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Old 29-10-2008, 14:58   #6
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"Because I like taking photographs, it's a great place and I just love photographing it." Is pretty much what you've said in the first post.
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Old 29-10-2008, 15:31   #7
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Originally Posted by petemc View Post
"What inspires me to go out and photograph Liverpool."
Originally Posted by petemc View Post
In the early days when I was still doing a 9-5 desk job it was easy. It got me out, it was something different and a fun hobby. Its not a hobby any more. I've come to realise that its what I was meant to do. Its who I am. I remember being a kid and framing things in my head without really knowing why. So why am I a photographer? Because its simply who I am.
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Old 29-10-2008, 15:35   #8
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But doesn't saying "Its what I was meant to do" sound a little pretentious? I'm no Superman claiming my destiny. I'm just a guy who realised that er... this is what I was meant to do
Thats no hamster, its a space station!
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Old 29-10-2008, 16:25   #9
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Originally Posted by petemc View Post
But doesn't saying "Its what I was meant to do" sound a little pretentious? I'm no Superman claiming my destiny. I'm just a guy who realised that er... this is what I was meant to do
It's not pretentious at all if it's true, or what you feel. You could simply say "It's what I feel I was meant to do" to perhaps tone it down somewhat. It still means the same thing.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 29-10-2008, 17:49   #10
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
You show people what they don't always see through their own eyes, you consistently surprise people with the beauty you find in seemingly boring and random places. You can take a photograph of a set of bins behind a hotel and make it seem like something special, you make it mean something. To me, that's why you do what you do.
Exactly Really is impressive how you can make something fairly regular look so special.
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