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Old 03-12-2008, 17:27   #1
Vodka Martini
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Default What you all doing for Christmas Day then ??

Was having a chat at lunch time about who was doing what on Xmas day. In the main it was the usual Turkey & Tinsle. Some were having a Curry delivered and some other guy was having Bhajee's for starters, T Bone Steak and Chips with Apple pie and cream to follow.

Personally I love Xmas dinner with all the trimmings and in as much as I love curry I just couldn't imagine Xmas day without all the Turkey and Trimmings, bad jokes out of crackers etc.

So for me it will be an early start with Alexander as I am sure he will be up around 5ish. For breakfast we might have a change from the norm and have a continental breakfast instead of the bacon rolls. Visit the family in the morning drop the pressies off then off the local with the inlaws for an hour before a gratuitous ammount of fine food, wine and port

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Old 03-12-2008, 17:33   #2
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We'll be up when we can be arsed to get up then it's off to the kitchen for me to cook Christmas dinner. Kitten's Mum and Nan will come round for food then it's collapse in front of the TV.
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Old 03-12-2008, 17:36   #3
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I really honestly don't know, the plan was to go with the inlaws down to my parents and spend a few days sitting around an open fire with new books and Christmas music on softly in a state of advanced drunkeness. However the wife's sister preceeded to get up the duff and bugger up the plan so now I'm not sure, we could still go down there but that means not seeing the nephew (the sister in law and kid were coming to M&Ds too) and Aitch is in two minds. Parents are still happy to have us, I'm sure the inlaws would be too. So its all a bit up in the air. I'm easy as long as I can get drunk and eat turkey, home means 360 and projector, away means not having to cook and nicer suroundings.


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Old 03-12-2008, 17:41   #4
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Unsure to be honest. Either will be at home with our Dog and have a Christmas day together, then off to my folks boxing day and the following to Pickys folks.


We'll be at my folks Christmas day and then to Pickys folks Boxing day.

Turkey will be had for sure!!! I hope there's some pigs in blankets somewhere too - I will be sure to make them if not!

Lots of vino, plenty of silly games and lots of snacking on all sorts of fud
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Old 03-12-2008, 17:48   #5
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MtE and the girls are off to his Aunts for a big family Xmas day. I could either sit at home and feel sorry for myself like last year or go too. I'm going too.

Boxing Day will be at mine and then the preps for NYE will begin!

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Old 03-12-2008, 17:49   #6
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The plan is presently to head round to my Aunt's for a big family get together, that's the usual for Christmas and it's always great to see the rest of the family. It'll probably be a bit odd this year though given it is the first one we'll have had there since my Uncle died. It'll be a pretty traditional meal I'd expect and the best rum ring ever for pudding.
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Old 03-12-2008, 17:50   #7
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Will be at my folks for the first time in about 5 years. Probably get up around 9, drink tea and eat bacon rolls then veg out a bit. Open some pressies, start on food - usual procedure is to have 5 or 6 courses with an hour in between, so, pretty much eating all day. I was asked to pick the main course - most of my family don't really care too much for tukey so it is usually something nice but not turkey. I chose beef Wellington for this year - haven't had it in aaages. Only problem is, I have a sneaky suspicion I'll be expected to purchase it and cook it

Wine will be had with the meal, followed by a nice drop of port and then the rest of the day will be spent sampling various fine malts

Anybody have a good recipe for beef Wellington?

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Old 03-12-2008, 17:54   #8
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We're down at the Piggyrents over xmas then back here for New Years.
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Old 03-12-2008, 17:57   #9
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Wake up whenever, for breakfast it will be a glass or 2 of champagne with scrambled egg and salmon and brown bread. Just champagne and scrambled egg for me. Open presents and chill for most of the day, then full Christmas dinner at about 5ish. There is the possibility that I may be popping round a mates at night for a drunken night of karaoke for a laugh.
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Old 03-12-2008, 18:40   #10
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This year, I will be doing exactly the same as last year. Here's my plan....(so far)...

Christmas eve:Morning, possibly spanning most of the day, run round like a woman on fire trying to get the final bits and pieces we need. Sort out the mini buffet tea for us and the kids. Once kids are in bed, out comes the sherry, wrapping paper, sticky tape and anything else needed. Wrap presents like mad and then pass out in bed.
Oh, I also need to get the veg peeled.

Christmas day: Cup of tea and then let the kids loose on the presents. Around 11ish I'll get the oven on and make a start on lunch. Spend as much time as possible playing with the kids and trying to keep them under control. Eat lunch, start on the pots-bah!!
Once the kids are in bed, it's boardgame time.

Boxing day: Anything that doesn't have to be done will not get done. So I will be doing as little as possible.
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