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Old 03-12-2008, 00:31   #1
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Default Bit o' help please

Need to narrow down some cameras for dad, the choices are from...
Nikon coolpix 6000
Canon powershot G10
Panisonic lumix G1
Use: portrait, landscape, action, sport etc
Something better than a compact settings can be changed ie not automatic.

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Old 03-12-2008, 10:44   #2
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Not read too much about the Panasonic G1 yet, but I do know it's SLR like in that it has interchangeable lenses, but that it doesn't support as many lenses as other SLRs. Looking on Amazon it's currently selling for over £500, so for that money you may as well buy something like a Canon 450D for £420, get £50 cashback on it, and put the extra money towards any lens.

The Canon G10 looks like a decent camera, but apparantly it's let down quite a bit by its image quality, with noise cropping up in images a lot.

Not really read anything about the Coolpix, so can't say too much about that.

Have you considered getting a cheap DSLR instead, or a bridge camera? Canon's 1000D is currently £300 for the camera and kit lens, and you can claim £30 cashback as well. If he doesn't like the idea of changing lenses, there's always something like the Fuji S9600 which a few people here have, and I know they love as it gives them nearly all the controls of an SLR but without any hassle when it comes to changing lenses and the like

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Old 03-12-2008, 11:03   #3
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Have you considered something like the Fuji Film 9600? Can't change lenses but have lots of features and settings which can be fiddled with. A good bridge camera.
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Old 03-12-2008, 11:06   #4
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If you are going SLR and you want to test the water then as Davey says the Fuji bridge cameras can be had for under £100 and they are a step in the right direction they have excellent zooms and a lot more control than a compact but they are bigger. If you want a more versatile compact then I won't coment as I am out of the loop with compacts now.

If you are definately going SLR then there are some good deal around now and some great ones second hand but bbear in mind that lenses are eexpensive and it will cost a lot to get to the versitility of a compact of course the pay off is the quality but that doesn't matter to everyone.


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