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Old 30-01-2009, 19:25   #1
Deep Throat
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A whole one! With pancake rolls! In Sainsburys! 1/3 off!

Was £9.99, now is £6.35!


*om nom nom nom nom*
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Old 30-01-2009, 19:26   #2
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The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

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Old 30-01-2009, 19:33   #3
Abandoned Ship
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a £6.35 duck is not going to have been a happy duck
factory farming of ducks is in many ways worse than that of chickens as these are animals who naturally want to swim / fly / migrate...

i know that most people don't think about things like this, i usually don't mind the heavily meat based discussion in the forum - but why not try to have a bit of conscience about what you are eating and where it has come from?!

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Old 30-01-2009, 19:35   #4
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Oooh might have to look for that when I'm in Sainsburys next
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Old 30-01-2009, 19:38   #5
Baby Bore
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I like a duck me, but I have to say I've never had a lot of success with shop bought ones they very seem to get as crispy as the ones that come from the take away


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 30-01-2009, 19:53   #6
Deep Throat
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Originally Posted by goldilocks View Post
a £6.35 duck is not going to have been a happy duck
factory farming of ducks is in many ways worse than that of chickens as these are animals who naturally want to swim / fly / migrate...

i know that most people don't think about things like this, i usually don't mind the heavily meat based discussion in the forum - but why not try to have a bit of conscience about what you are eating and where it has come from?!

Heh. I do All the time.

But. Most the time I cannot afford free range chicken and the likes of that. When I can, whenever I'm in Ringwood I ask my parents to get in a load of meat from their local farmer (he's like... three doors down. Absolutely lovely chap and all free range stuff). If we buy a whole lamb/half a cow and share it between us it's not so expensive

Also! You should know I! I eat LOADS of quorn and meat free products all the time! So I try to eat what I can when I can!

I love duck though and I don't have it often (once every 3-4months).

I will not have a guilty conscience for eating him tonight. Not an ounce. I do what I can where I can for every cause I can.

It's a rare sin I will happily live with for the moment

MB - these ducks are always SO tasty. Really they are!! If you leave them on a high heat for the last 15mins it makes the skin super crispy and yet the meat remains moist!

If not, I have a fab recipe tucked away for peking duck! It takes a lot of effort (dipping and all sorts) but it's UNBELIEVABLY devine! I will dig it out when I can for you
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Old 30-01-2009, 20:03   #7
Abandoned Ship
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you can obviously justify it to yourself...
but equally if you HAVE put some thought into it (which it sounds like you have), and you have still decided that buying factory farmed meat is 'ok' then that speaks volumes to me.
this isnt ignorance about the issue at hand - this is choice
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Old 30-01-2009, 20:14   #8
Deep Throat
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Yup. I chose to buy it. I know it's from Thailand. And I know that's most probably not good news.

But, I most probably do more than your average person when it comes to buying free range food. I can't do everything right in this world though - I'm aware of that! If I did get upset and angry over things like this I would be an angry person all the time.

But I chose not to be

Afraid to say I'm off to really enjoy my duck. No amount of telling me how bad a person I am for buying it will put me off this meal.

Sorry Feel free to sail me off to hell
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Old 30-01-2009, 20:18   #9
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Indeed it is choice, but not necessarily always ours.

Due to my lifestyle I buy a lot of prepared stuff - which automatically means factory farmed because they're not going to put the expensive stuff in sandwiches and whatever. If I bought fresh all the time, I'd throw away a hell of a lot more than I do already, and say what you may about factory farming, wasting food doesn't do anyone any favours.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't buy direct from a local farmer if that option was viable - I most certainly would.

Anyway, back on topic, I might go research tomorrow. How much preparation is involved? Shoving things in the oven is easy enough, but I don't 'do' preparation.
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Old 30-01-2009, 20:19   #10
Baby Bore
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Pre-prepared duck is a cinch Mark just bung it in the oven and assemble pancakes.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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