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Old 08-01-2011, 22:53   #1
Deep Throat
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Red face Sleep Walking

As some of you know, I'm not exactly the worlds best sleeper!

Lately I think I have been sleepwalking a fair bit. I'll wake up downstairs holding something (a blanket/pot/book/spoon...) and not have a clue why I'm down there. I've also woken up and found my whole tool box emptied and all my tools perfectly lined up on the floor.

Normally I just ignore it, and get on with my day albeit a little sleepy. But two incidents have scared me lately!

The first is after watching paranormal activity. What a STUPID thing for me to watch! Hahaha!

A few days after watching it, I woke up in the middle of the night sat on the floor in the hall way.... right under the loft hatch. At the time I was so disorientated I just got up and went to bed. It wasn't until I woke up in the morning my mind was like:

Me: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn sleepy sleepy me oooh I'm tired, why am I tired, Oh yeh I was.. WHAT THE FREAKING HELL WAS I DOING UNDER THE LOFT HATCH!?!?!?!?!!!!!"


The other freaky deaky sleep walking incident happened last night.

I woke up with a start as I just had a vivid dream about a friend being in a car accident. It was horrible. I checked the time on my phone and it was 7am. I then had a message appear on my screen saying "message delivered" as I had text the same friend before I went to sleep and with his phone off it had only just gone through. I was like "ahh they've just turned their phone on. Bit coincidental I've woken up at the same time! I will send them a message to make sure they're okay". It was then I realised the heating was on and I figured I would go switch it off and get an hours more kip eye as I was hot.

Downstairs... I'm stood at the boiler and I'm trying to figure out why the monkeys it's on because it's turned off at 7am but set to turn on at 5am. I never have the heating on at 5am... and it was 7am anyway?! Whaaaaaaaat?!

I check my clocks and then get a phonecall from my friend saying how come I'm awake and he was going to text so not to wake me and it was early. I said I was having issues with my boiler and was all confused and that I had seen him in a car crash and yeh. I ask him the time and he said it was 5am.

Really!??! REALLY?! Check the internet and it's 5am. All my clocks have been reset (all in perfect sync) to 7am - two hours forward. That's my oven, microwave, watch, wall clock and phone - all changed. And then somehow in my sleep I have set my boiler to come on at 5am... which was when I woke from my dream about my friend in the car crash... which was the time my friend was going to work which was a call in job. I didn't know he was at work today let alone at 5am.

How the MONKEYS did I manage to change those times? I have no idea how to set the microwave clock. None. The oven clock is easy but the microwave?! No no no idea.

I decided to wake myself up proper and made a cup of tea... went to sit down in the lounge and THEN discover this:

So. I can change clock times... yet I write like a monkey with the pen shoved up it's arse. How'ds that figure?

I've decided to try and set the motion detector up on my webcam and see whether I can catch me sleep walking. I have woken a few times in the lounge so hoping it works!

I'm also hoping nothing freaky happens! Ahahaha! Sometimes I hate having an over active imagination and living on my own! Boo!

Sooo watch this space people. Lets see whether I can catch myself on camera!
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Old 08-01-2011, 22:56   #2
semi-pro waster
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That's pretty amazing, there's a certain amount of talent to resetting all clocks to the same time - many people can't manage that when fully awake.
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Old 08-01-2011, 23:00   #3
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This explains a lot. I've seen shattered, you were clearly sleep walking when they thought you were awake
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Old 08-01-2011, 23:01   #4
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I fell out of favour with Heaven somewhere, and I'm here for the hell of it now...
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Old 08-01-2011, 23:04   #5
Deep Throat
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Heh I know SPW - I can't do it now! It's so strange. I don't get it!

Feek - that was my theory! I don't recall half of it!

Roberta - takes one to know one

Annnd my logitech doesn't have motion detection. RUBBISH! I wonder if I could record a whole night... that might just ruin my computer though!

Hmmm. Half tempted to sell a few things and get motion detection. It's really intrigued me now.
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Old 08-01-2011, 23:55   #6
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thats quite awesome actually, I love it

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Old 09-01-2011, 02:35   #7
Joe 90
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thats pretty crazy.

I think I was sleep walking on Christmas eve after a few (but not too many) beers. Mum found me at 3am in the bathroom stood between the toilet & bath (both are next to each other so we're talking about a gap no greater than 12") and I was supposedly trying to walk towards the bath.
I have no memory of this happening so assume I was asleep, and at no point awoke. I assume as much as theres no logical reason to have been there, trying to walk through the bath! Must of thought I was elsewhere & had a ver different floor plan in my head!

Anyone used Sleep Talk on iPhone? My mrs talks in her sleep so this records it all! Well worth an investment (59p or something) for some possible amusement
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Last edited by Joe 90; 10-01-2011 at 01:25.
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Old 10-01-2011, 01:04   #8
Deep Throat
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Hehehe Joe! That is funny! Good thing you didn't wee in a drawer or anything like that!

I didn't sleep walk last night (to my knowledge) but woke every 30mins. Yaaaaaaaaawny yawny.

Hoping this all stops soon. Seems to calm down when someones with me but that's probably cos they tell me to get back into bed as soon as I leave it. Or pin me to the bed! I need to hire myself a man of the night.

Wait a minute...

.... that's just wrong!
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Old 10-01-2011, 11:41   #9
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Setup webcam in bedroom (bear with me a minute) and one in the kitchen / lounge.

Record all night at reasonably low resolution and save to HDD, review all and post findings to the internets so when the attic hatch demon finally comes down we can see what's really going on.

Put talcum powder along the floor near your door frame so we can see where you go walking!
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Old 11-01-2011, 08:29   #10
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That note reads like something off the film "Memento".

How's your short term memory?

We must move forward not backward, upwards not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling...
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