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Old 31-08-2011, 11:00   #1
The Last Airbender
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Default You know when you can see a bad driver using sixth sense?

Well I spotted one coming in to the Post Office car park this morning. I was still in my car with the only other spare space next to me. I saw her drive in to the car park and I'm not sure why, but I just got this feeling she'd be a menace.

I went inside, picked up my post and when returning to my car she was in the space next to me, but really close to my car. She could see she had no room to get out of hers and I couldn't get back in to mine so she looked over her shoulder to reverse back out and then....started to turn the wheel She was now turning the wheel enough to smack right in to my car....I actually went in to one of those slow motion life events. I could see what was about to happen. "Wooooooooaaaaaaaahhhhh" I shouted. Obviously loud enough for her to hear and by the time she'd reacted she'd hit my wing mirror and her front wheel was about 1" away from my car door.

Her reaction? "Don't worry, it's only my wing mirror that's moved". Thankfully there was not a mark on mine.
I told her to drive forwards and there was just about enough room for me to squeeze in to my car and drive off...and as I do so I see her bouncing forwards up the curb
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Old 31-08-2011, 16:53   #2
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=/ There are some right retards out there, no doubt about it. It is funny how you can spot the majority of them before things really happen... Well i've recently scrapped my car (poor old Almera ) so i won't be having any car troubles for now...
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Old 31-08-2011, 23:52   #3
Del Lardo
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Had a scarily similar incident a few years back in a Tesco carpark in Newmarket. As I was pulling into a space (with the roof off) the American (this becomes important later on) woman loading her car in the next space says "you can't park your car there", I assumed she meant it wouldn't fit so responded with "it's only small, sure I can squeeze it in". I get out the car and she's blocking my way and repeats "you can't park your car there", I'm utterly confused until she follows up with "how am I supposed to get my car out".

Basically she had driven straight into her space with front wheels on full lock by going over into the space where I am now parked and wants to reverse the manoeuvre. Now not wanting to restart my engine and move my car but wanting to be helpful I point out there is a big space behind her that she can reverse into if she straightens her front wheels and offer to help guide her out. At this point Mrs Hyde appears and she starts shouting that she will drive into my car on purpose and that she doesn't care, not sure how I held my tongue but I politely pointed out that she had just shouted her intentions to a carpark full of witnesses (there were 5 people staring at this point) and that I knew the local base commander didn't like it when local law enforcement got involved with people living on the base (it was a gamble). BINGO!!! total transformation...... "oh you nice young man offering to help me etc"

She gets in her car, I stand between the two cars so I can tell her when her front wheels are straight and before she's unwound any lock she starts reversing...... My hand damn near went through her passenger window, stupid thing is I was about to be crushed and was concerned she was going to hit my car She then cottoned on, straightened the front wheels, reversed straight back into a disabled space and then drove out forward waving like nothing had happened.

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Old 01-09-2011, 08:46   #4
Vodka Martini
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I quite often get a "sixth sense" moment. Usually on country lanes. Often, for no discernable reason I have decided to do something unusual, like take a corner that I would normally fly around really slowly for a change, or slow up while passing a junction or something, and then suddenly needed to break really hard, for something like a person in the road, a tractor, a horse, someone pulling out without looking, whatever.

It's happened on numerous occasions, I just get a feeling of unusual danger and slow down. If I think about the potential danger and slow down consciously, I'm usually wrong, but the times when I do it without thinking I almost always have to take evasive action that, because I had slowed down, becomes an easy stop, rather than a panic of hard breaking and opposite lock.

Also, I have done it with mobile cameras several times. Just slowed down with a gut feeling that there is something wrong and then around the corner there's a speed cam.

This "gut feeling" or "sixth sense" happens a few times a year.

Odd... but useful
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Old 02-09-2011, 05:31   #5
Dirteh Kitteh
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I've had that many a time. Mind you, most often with me it's when I've got a wheel or two in the air on my Jeep while offroading.

I just seem to have a knack for knowing how a mechanical vehicle is going to respond to highly off-camber, low traction, gravity defying situations that I invariably end up being the spotter for whatever group I'm with.

The last time was when my boss and I were out in our two Jeeps. He was coming down a rather tricky patch where the right front and left rear were balanced and then 3 feet forward it swapped to the left front and right rear. Well, somehow his fuel sloshed in the tank (heard it gurgle) and pitched his right front down. He panicked and hit the brakes (which exasperated the situation). I calmly told him to trust his Jeep and ride it out (while desperately hanging onto his left rear tail light with all my weight). He rode it out and was fine, but anything more than a couple seconds more and he would have found out if his roll cage was functional or decorative!!

The two Jeeps in this story:

A bullet may have your name on it, but shrapnel is addressed "to whom it may concern".
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