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Old 08-12-2006, 13:31   #1
mejinks's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default multiculturism....

"Britain should celebrate its multicultural society while balancing it with a duty to integrate" - Tony Blair

"Multiculturalism has been a disaster - it has led to a ghetto culture and a great deal of suspicion and resentment. There should be ONE culture in Britain." - Comment


Personally, I have no duty to integrate and forcing people to do something they don't want to do will result in greater resentment and bad feeling. I am all for exploring different cultures, if I fancy researching a particular facet of Islam, then I will do it off my own bat, I then have a choice on whether I adopt it or ignore it. What I don't want is to be told that I can't celebrate my religion because it offends someone else.

If Im at home and you have an aversion to me breaking wind what do you do? You leave, don't you?

If Im in your house and I break wind, I would expect to be asked to leave. So why is it so complicated to see that forced integration will not work.

Britain always WAS a multicultural society. Each area of the UK has different ways of life and values. It's the MAGNITUDE of diversity which is causing friction.

British values are wonderful, I love Britishness, multiculturalism at the accelerated rate the integrators demand is eroding too quickly our current concept of Britishness.

Integration needs more time, slow down, allow the people to adapt to change rather than force or coerce.

Originally Posted by Piggy
HAHAHAHA !!!! .. perhaps I should try my bum instead *ponders*
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