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Old 13-12-2007, 11:11   #1
Deep Throat
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 6,512
Default Charity Stuff!

Hello hello!

Well, I normally do something for charity each year and put my thinking cap on for next year. The following were my thought processes...

Brain: "Hmmm, how about swimming the channel in goose fat"


Brain: "You silly moo, you can barely swim the length of a swimming
pool without cracking up laughing and drowning. How about a run? A Marathon?"

*grumpy face*

Brain: "ok ok... runnings poo too. Shave your head?"

*puts tights on head and looks in mirror*

Me: "I look like a chubby-pale-Russian-child, Picky would run a mile."

Brain: "Eatathon? Sleepathon? Talkathon? Danceathon?"

Me: "Boooring booring boring boring boring."


*strikes super hero pose*

Brain: "okay, now you're being silly. Be sensible. Something simple. Think of something simple. What's simple...."

*looks at self*

Brain: "....not that simple"

*sad face*

Brain:"Hum. Hum hum hum. OOOooOOOO how about a CALENDAR?! A BOAT DRINKS CALENDAR"


* \o/ *

Brain: "Genius. Silly, fun and sexy. Superb. Money. We'd make TONNES! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"

So I cometh to you with the idea of a Boat Drinks Calendar. After discussing this with the girlies, many have said they'd be up for it, which is SUPERB!

I figured we could do a range too! Belmit suggested doing a "hunks and hotties" style one (lollage) so he could wear his black silky dressing gown, smoke a cigar and shout "giggedy" lots

Ideas in the buckets are:

1) Girly Calendar of Sorts
2) Blokey Calendar of Sorts
3) A Mixed Blokeys and Girlys One
4) SUPER HEROS Calendar (We've all got special powers)

Thoughts people?! Anyone up for it?! It would all be in the name of charity - if I had a preference I would ask for it to be for Cancer Research, but as I should imagine many peoples will be joining in the fun and frollicks so a pole could be done for charities

Oh yus! And let me say, I'm not suggesting they're nekky calendars!! Though a bit of leggage never goes amiss

Seriously though - it will be a bit of fun and I think it would be superb
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