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Old 09-08-2009, 14:05   #1
Join Date: Jun 2008
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Default Cooking with AH2 : My latest meal

First of I'll apologies for pictures. My camera is breaking and I'm waiting for fuji to get some more stock of refurbished cameras. Plus I may of been a little tipsy latter on.

2nd I'll list my errors before starting.
I tried making ravioli with out a pasta roller, bad idea. It is very hard to get the pasta thin enough and even harder the more you work it. It just dried out far to quickly.

The wellington imo was overcooked.

And the presentation yet again is lacking.

Scallop and leek ravioli on a bed of crushed Broad beans

bechamel sauce
2 tablespoons butter
1 level tablespoon plain flour
1/3 cup milk
1 bay leaf

Scallop filling
12 scallops (I'm using small ones so about 4 scallops per person thickly diced)
1 small carrot finely diced
1/2 a celery stalk finely diced
2 spring onions halved and thinly sliced
1 medium leek quartered and thinly sliced
Butter+ olive oil for frying

200g good quality strong bread flour
2 eggs
1 tablespoon milk

fish or lobster stock
couple tablespoons cream
Spring onions

Broadbeans shelled
A tablespoon cream
A tablespoon white wine

1) make a well in the flour and mix in the eggs and milk. To form a fairly dry and elastic dough.
2) need for 5 minutes or so until smooth
3) allow to rest for 30minutes
4) roll out with a machine, don't bother trying with a rolling pin.

1)add the carrots and celery to a frying pan and fry in the butter+ olive till softened add the Leek and fry till almost soft.
2)Next throw in the scallops and spring onion and fry for just a minute or so ill the scallops are cooked.
3) Remove from heat and mix in enough bechamel sauce to bind together.

1)Take you pasta sheet and divide in half.
2) Next along one of the sheets dab a good heaped teaspoon of filling
3) around each blob of filling brush a little milk.
4) take the other sheet and lay on top
5) press down around the edge and join into to the other sheet. making sure to expel any air
6) chop up even with a round dough cutter or a knife.
&0 bring a large saucepan of water to eh boil with a little salt and cook the ravioli for about 5mins or until al dente

Broad Bean Crush
1) Boil the broad beans till cooked but still form.
2) drain and return to the pan add the cream, white wine and some salt and peeper and crush with a fork.

1) reduce the stock by about 1/2-1/3rds
2) remove from heat add a little cream, parsley and spring onions

Plate it all up.

Beef wellington with fondant potatoes

Ingredients for 4peopel
Beef wellington
1/2kilo of fillet (it's not cheap it's around £40a kilo)
ready rolled puff pastry
300grams mixed mushrooms ( I used button and ****ake, any will do but imo more flavor the beer) diced
50 or so grams of good Pâté
3 medium shallots diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
100g flour
1 egg
100ml milk

3 potatoes slices per person.
about 1/2 pint chicken stock
100+ grams of butter

1/2 red cabbage sliced
oil + butter
splash red wine

2 large bags of baby spinach

1pint good beef stock
couple shots calvados

1) In a frying pan fry the shallots and mushrooms till soft and dry, add teh garlic near the end so not to burn it
2) dice a good handful of parsley and mix with the mushrooms, remove and keep for later
3) Whisk the egg, flour and milk together to form a batter
4) in a heavy frying pan, wipe with butter and pour in some batter. Looking for a thin crepe. Make several.
5) take the meat and sear extremely quickly in a very hot pan. add a little salt + butter
6) take the pastry out and roll a little thinner.
7) put about to pancakes on, then spread the Pâté over so you get a thin layer all over the pancakes
8) pile the mushroom mix onto of the Pâté
9) place the meat on top of this.
10) rap the pancakes and pastry round this. Folding the ends in
11) cook at 180 for 25-30 minutes. I cooked mine for 40 and as you can tell thats far to much.
12) Allow to rest for 10minutes at least, slice the ends of so people don't just get pastry, then thickly slice

1) take your potato and create a thick slice. Look around the 1-1.5mm thick
2) take a pastry ring and cut around the slice.(I just got small potatoes sliced of either side, then peeled)
3) place in a saucepan, 1 layer deep. Just cover with chicken stock, throw the butter and some time in.
4) simmer till sock is reduced by about half, turn the potatoes over and carry on simmering till the stock turns to a syrup like consistency.
5) place potatoes on a baking sheet and spoon over the syrup
6) back at 180 for about 30 mins

1) fry the sliced cabbage in some butter till almsot soft
2) throw in some red wine, salt + pepper and wi till it starts frying again.
3) remove from heat and serve

1) in a saucepan bring a tiny amount of water to eh boil. Throw in the spinach and place a lid on
2) watch in amazement as it wilts to nothing in under 1 minute
3) drain

1) reduce stock by 1/2 - 1/3rd
2) throw in a couple shots of calvados
3) check seasoning

Plate up

I used two pancakes in the end as obviously that didn't rap all the way around.

Caramelized bananas, waffles and caramel sauce

Ice cream:
400ml single cream
400ml single cream
4 egg yolks
about 1/3 cup of sugar
1 vanilla pod

2 cups flour
2 cups Milk
4 eggs separated
Touch of salt

caramel sauce
1 cup of sugar
6 Tbsp butter
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

Caramelized bananas
about 1/2 banana per person
2 tablespoons butter fro frying
1 tablespoon dark brown sugar

Ice cream

1) slice the vanilla pod in half and scopp out the seeds
2) in a pan heat the single cream up with the vanilla seeds and pod. Hold just below boiling for a few minutes. Then remove from heat and cool to room temprature
3) once cool remove pod
4) Whisk the 4 egg yolks up and whisk into the vanilla cream over a low heat, until viably thickened, remove from heat. Do not bring to the boil.
5) while still warm whisk in the sugar to taste. So use less or more depending how sweet you want it.
6) whisk the double cream to stiff peaks.
7) When vanilla custard is cool, fold in the whipped cream. then place in an ice cream maker, or the freezer whisking every 20minutes for the next 4-5hours whilst it sets.

1) Whisk the flour, milk, egg yolks and salt to form a batter.
2) whisk the egg whites to a stiff peak
3) fold the whites into the batter
4) cook immediately in a waffle iron.

1) thickly and diagonally slice the bananas.
2) in a pan heat the butter and fry the bananas on one side
3) sprinkle with the brown sugar, then flip and cook on teh other side, till soft but not disseminating


1) In a saucepan heat the sugar up, until it is totally melted. do not stir or move. A heavy saucepan is a must.
2) Once sugar has gone golden and fully melted add the butter and whisk for your life.
3) Once The butter has melted take of the pan and quickly throw the cream in whilst risking. A high sided pan is a must as this will bubble up.

Plate up

Old pic as I've made this sauce before

Might of been a little drunk by this point

Finish with a cheese board

The remains of the cheese board and wine
Favorite cheese being a Bleu D'Auvergne which was totally finished

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Old 09-08-2009, 16:07   #2
Princess Griff
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Oooh your wellington looks soooo good *drooooool*
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Old 09-08-2009, 17:09   #3
nipples lol (o)(o)
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And you're inviting me round when?
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I'm still madly in love with my Dolly
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Old 09-08-2009, 18:41   #4
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when I've lost some flab.
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Old 10-08-2009, 05:33   #5
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Starter sounds absolutely smashing (although I'm not a fan of celery so I'd probably leave that out), I'll have to give it a try some time.

I agree about the beef, I prefer mine pinker than that but looks good anyway.

I won't comment on the dessert as I'm not a big fan of sweet things (although I do have a weird liking for chocolate cake ).

Nice meal dude. Little bit less oven time with the Wellington and you're sorted

Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I...
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Old 10-08-2009, 13:32   #6
Smother me in chocolate and eat flapjacks with it!
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Lovely looking wellington - I know you've said you prefer it a bit pinker, but I bet it still tasted GORGEOUS!
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Old 10-08-2009, 14:45   #7
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Originally Posted by Jingo View Post
I know you've said you prefer it a bit pinker, but I bet it still tasted GORGEOUS!
It was fantastic. Its he first time I've ever had Wellington let alone cooked it. OMG it is such a great dish. I urge all of you to go and make it. Find a special occasion and splash out on good meat and pate. It was truly fantastic as for the fondant potatoes. They are the best thing in the world.
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Old 11-08-2009, 22:11   #8
Vodka Martini
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I've actually got a special meal coming up this Friday (my older sis just got engaged) and it looks like just the sort of thing i'd like to make if the weather is rubbish (BBQ if it's good obviously). I'm the only one in the family who can vaguely cook and i'm still quite rubbish, how difficult was the wellington? I'd have to make it solo and as stated previously i'm not exactly master chef.

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Old 11-08-2009, 22:17   #9
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Extremely simple. Apart from the timing. That was about 40mins. I reckon 30mins for rare and 25mins for how I like it.
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Old 11-08-2009, 22:21   #10
Vodka Martini
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Having read through the recipe you've given in more detail (yeah i know i should have done that before asking ) it doesn't look too difficult. Gonna give it a shot i think, as i say if the weathers good my dad will take over and BBQ (it's the only cooking he can do). This is probably the first time in my life i've hoped for rain Cheers for the feedack

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