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Old 06-08-2009, 14:46   #1
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Default Diet advice please

Ok guys, I'm trying to get my diet sorted. I was never that bad but I will be living away from home full time soon so I need to do what I can. I am kick starting the weights agaqin at the gym, but it will only ever be light (not aiming for Will size here.... although being 5'6" and that size would be pretty funny). So I will probably lob some shakes in. Primarily I want to drop a little and then see from there. Can you critique this?


Bowl of corn flakes & tea.
Glass of fresh orange.

Mid morning
Typically an apple & coffee or tea.


Normally a salad. Typically there is some pasta in there with loads of other bits. No dressing or mayo etc.

Mid Afternoon
Pot of fresh fruit (no other additivies). Melon, pinapple, grapes (red and green).

Evening meal

This is where I fall down. I try and eat as healthily as I can. Eating out and remaining reasonable is hard. I do simple things like stick with new potatoes and veg. If I see another Chicken seasor salad I will murder someone! I could have steak, fresh salmon, pie, lasagne.

Suggestions really? Bit stuck but I'll see what I can do. I did typically used to have a sani and crisps for lunch which was obviously horrific. I do have an option of having a hot lunch which does have chili & rice etc.
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Old 06-08-2009, 16:23   #2
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I'd probably look at introducing more carbs and protein into the diet where you can. Maybe oats instead of corn flakes?

For lunch I'd adjust the salad/pasta ratio so it's a pasta/rice based meal with a bit of green crap (salad)

For mid-morning and afternoon snacks, fruit is obviously great, but I'd alternate a few servings with healthy nuts and seeds (hundreds to choose from) which can be healthy and also keep your metabolism burning so you're hungry for a good evening meal. Non-salted peanuts for example can be a good and healthy source of calories. Pumpkin seeds and almonds are supposed to good too.

You seem fine with dinner; steak, fish, potatoes, lasagne etc all good for a diet aimed at growth. It doesn't matter what the specific meals are as long as you have a generous helping of carbs and protein and good fats, such as what's in olive oil, flora etc.

You can always plug the gaps with shakes and smoothies when required.

I really should heed my own advice one of these days. I'm a skinny runt.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:47   #3
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Thanks, I'll start introducing some of that and see what I can come up with
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:51   #4
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Definitely needs more protein, especially if training!
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Old 07-08-2009, 11:46   #5
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Agreed. Not much calories there either - but I can't compare my intake with yours. Try and got more protein and good fats in you.
No No!
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Old 07-08-2009, 15:34   #6
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If you can get to a microwave for re-heating lunches, we've got a good one where you can mix up a load and stick portions in the freezer to take out each day. It' mainly mince, veg, rice, etc.
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Old 09-08-2009, 12:15   #7
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
If you can get to a microwave for re-heating lunches, we've got a good one where you can mix up a load and stick portions in the freezer to take out each day. It' mainly mince, veg, rice, etc.
I might have! I will have a dig around. Will see what I can do and come back later
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