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Old 22-12-2010, 11:49   #1
Baby Bore
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Default Photography plans for 2011

My photography resolutions for the new year are to get in a studio, to at least have a stab at marco photography and to use my ND500 to do some shots of moving water.

I also want to post here and on TP a lot more about my photography to get advice and ideas, hopefully this section will have a bit more traffic over the coming months but I promise I will try to contribute more and give as well as take advice and ideas

As far as upgrades go in 2011 I think I'll be holding off for a while, I'd like to move to the IS version of the 70-200mm f4L as I can't warrant the cost of the f2.8 and the f4L IS has some great reviews but it's a lot of money.

I've thought long and hard about a 5D and again it isn't something I can warrant at the moment, the increase in image quality doesn't have enough leverage against the expense at the moment and the 40D does everything I want for the time being. I am concerned about what will come after the 40D the new 60D is smaller and more plasticy, I've held it and it doesn't feel as right to me as the 40/50 and although the 7d is good I do wonder if it is worth the price but that is a decision for the distant future there is a lot more life in the 40D yet

I'm starting to get my kit together for more regular shooting with Amelie and whatever comes my way. I don't have the time to have the camera with me 24/7 and this is always going to be a hobby but when I do get the chance to shoot I want to get it right. I'm going to couple this with the odd few hours in a local studio which has lighting and can be hired for a reasonable fee.

I have recently aquired a few new bits for the bag and I think I am there or there abouts, bits which I'm not using will come up for sale here from time to time. At this point apart from better and better lenses can't see that I am missing anything essential.

In the bag
40D & Grip, cards, batteries, triggers which I won't use now I have the 580ex II, etc.
17-55mm f2.8 is
24-105mm f4L is
50mm 1.8mm
70-200mm f4L
100mm f2.8 macro
580ex MKII (new)
Various filters including an ND500 and CIRCPOLS

Other stuff
Manfrotto 055XPROB (new)
494RC2 head (new)

I'm hiring a 10-22mm over Christmas to try some landscape but I think the majority of my shots will centre around Amelie and family for a while so buying a 10-22mm outright would be a false economy and I have come away from the idea of a longer lens then the 70-200mm which has always served me very well and I'm not that heavily into wildlife shots.

I'm still thinking about moving the 100mm on and maybe the 420ex, although I am yet to try some off camera lighting which with the wireless between the two flashes should be fun and easy.

So thats the plan for the next year. I'm going to do a bit of a montage of the year in pictures over Christmas and New Year


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 22-12-2010, 14:19   #2
Screaming Orgasm
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Looking forward to it!

Hope you don't mind me continuing the theme...

My pledge for next year is to get out and photograph more. It's all well and good taking the camera to special events, but there's some nice scenery around here so I really should go and look at it. Aside occasional visits, I don't have the family aspect so for me it's going to have to be outdoors-y stuff. I'll also post some of it this year.

I also want to try to do some Macro(ish) work. I'm going to a major flower festival in May but not sure how I might practice for that. Certainly going to read some books in the meantime. I say 'ish' because I don't intend getting a 'macro' lens.

Maybe I'll also look at off-camera lighting, though it isn't a priority.

With you on the 60D. I can understand why Canon did it, but it's not an upgrade path I'd recommend for a 40/50D owner. I'm not regretting my choice to go to a 7D but then it's a much bigger jump from the 450D. Haven't had chance to use it 'properly' yet though so time will tell. Meanwhile I've found interest for the 450D so that'll go in the new year.

In the bag:
7D & card (only one, need another).
430ex & Stofen
15-85mm f3.5-5.6 IS
70-300mm f4-5.6 IS
50mm f1.8

Other stuff:
Monopod and the two tripods I already had.
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Old 22-12-2010, 14:28   #3
Baby Bore
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I wouldn't be trying marco at an event, it's something which is much better suited to the home where you have time and space to set up and won't be interupted or jostled by other people. I believe that because of the focus on the subject and depth of field available that macro is something which can see exceptional results on the 'kitchen table' when careful time is taken for lighting and background. I'd stick with your 15-85 and 430ex for the event and depending on evironment experiment with bounce flash (if you are indoors with low ceilings). With a flower event I'd be looking for interesting angles taking nice sharp shots and getting exposure spot on for upping the colours and contrast in post processing. Sounds like a fun event though


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 22-12-2010, 15:37   #4
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
I believe that because of the focus on the subject and depth of field available that macro is something which can see exceptional results on the 'kitchen table' when careful time is taken for lighting and background.

Absolutely agreed 100%. A huge number of my macro shots were taken at home, of ordinary 'boring' subjects, and my main aim was to make them look interesting, or unique. One of the best commented photos on my 365 was of a drop of 7up on the lid of a plastic cup, people seemed to be completely in love with it - another was a ripped pyramid teabag with the tea falling out. Of course you can take flowers and plantlife too, but start with something in the house and see what the macro shot does to the background, practice your exposure and focus on different areas. Once you're outside you get other factors such as wind movement, unusual shadows, light conditions, and if you've mastered your basics in the house, then you can deal with them much easier. I moved onto the outdoor flowers and stuff when I had a better idea of what I was doing, and I've recently taken some more butterfly shots that I'm really proud of.
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Old 22-12-2010, 15:39   #5
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Can't decide where to go next. My 350D is starting to disappoint me dismally whenever its presented with high light conditions or anything with bright and dark in the same picture. On the other hand, it takes fantastic pictures in the garage in low light conditions, which is mainly what I use it for now, and it gets covered in oil, grease, grime, gets dropped, bashed about and just shakes it all off.

I was thinking of investing in a tripod of some description but I don't know if the 350D is going to go on holiday with me again. I can't rely on it for pictures when the compacts seem to have exceeded it in terms of picture quality. Only problem there is I'm only used to using an SLR and I'm only used to instant reactions from the camera, which you don't get with compacts.

I don't know. I'll probably just bumble through the year with what I've got because I'm reluctant to shell out a wedge on new kit.
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Old 22-12-2010, 18:48   #6
Screaming Orgasm
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post

I wouldn't be trying marco at an event, it's something which is much better suited to the home where you have time and space to set up and won't be interupted or jostled by other people. I believe that because of the focus on the subject and depth of field available that macro is something which can see exceptional results on the 'kitchen table' when careful time is taken for lighting and background. I'd stick with your 15-85 and 430ex for the event and depending on evironment experiment with bounce flash (if you are indoors with low ceilings). With a flower event I'd be looking for interesting angles taking nice sharp shots and getting exposure spot on for upping the colours and contrast in post processing. Sounds like a fun event though

Thanks and agreed. I'm not going to get time to do much at the event - parents will be there and it'll be hellish busy, so I can't 'play' much. It'll be a case of plonk the 15-85 on the front and make what I can of it. Two weeks on a photogenic island will give me plenty of chance to take my time, however.

I don't have any specific macro kit anyway so besides playing with DOF using the 50 (bokeh be dammed) I'll be using the 15-85 for that, too.

Did my first bounce (+ diffuser) attempt a few months ago at a 90th birthday party. TP advice helped me pull it off first go and I got a shot no-one else had managed. Definitely see more in that future.
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Old 26-12-2010, 18:08   #7
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Trying to avoid the urge to sell a lens to get a better computer needs to be fought against first, as for photography plans for next year with my current lack of inspiration my camera is making a great book end.
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Old 26-12-2010, 23:00   #8
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This year will be full frame for me.most likely a d700, although having played with a d3s a few weeks ago, omfg.. but the money!
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Old 26-12-2010, 23:49   #9
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Need to try to use my camera more next year. I'm not one of those people who carries it around with them all the time but rather leave it all in the bag and just get it out for specific events and occasions. That said, when I do use it I like having the right kit for the job.

Currently in my bag:
Canon 40D
Canon 10-22
Canon 17-55
Canon 70-200 f/4 IS
Canon 430EXII
Various bits & pieces.

Kit-wise, so far I've been concentrating on glass rather than body and I think I've now got a pretty much perfect set of lenses for a crop sensor. I even downgraded the 70-200 f/2.8 IS back to the f/4 IS (even got my original lens back!) as I felt the f/2.8 was too compromised. The plan was to upgrade the body to a 7D next, which I'm almost certain to do but will wait until just before the next event I need the camera for as it'll only get cheaper

That said, I've found myself wondering about the "big FF question" now and then and whether I should go this way instead. Thinking about it rationally, the 7D is a more sensible choice for the kind of stuff I like to shoot but then there's the question of the 5D Mk3 and what that will bring to the table. Then again, even if I waited for this and it did offer what I needed, it's sure to be £2.5k+.

Yeah, think the 7D is a cert for the next step - then maybe move across to FF at a later point.

Then again, I sometimes catch myself thinking about chucking the lot and getting a D700

I think I've now got the lenses pretty much covered so the next step will be the body, which will definitely be upgraded before my next major event (possibly a Germany trip in May).
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Old 06-01-2011, 22:19   #10
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Well I was hoping to buy some new glass in 2011, namely Canon 30-300L IS USM.
However it is very expensive and the wife is not working at the moment, so I will just dream about it instead !

Since owning the 7D I actually now take less photos ! !
Simple because the 7D takes the shoot so bloody well I do not have to make adjustments to the setting like I did on 400D.
Now I really loved my 400D and was sad when I sold it.
Because there was no auto ISO and the sensor light range was limited I had to learn how to take better pictures using the cameras capabilities via changing the settings and using tripods !

I would like to do some indoor home studio shoots and have a go a some of those arty shoots I see so often in various photo magazines.
So some reflectors need to be purchased !
Just want to get more creative with the themes in 2011

I would also like to go to some sport events to try out the 7fps burst rate on the 7D.

The bag contains

EX 580 MKII & Stofen
Sigma 17-70 DC
Canon 70-300 IS USM MKII
Various filters
Various bits & pieces
Slik Tripod

I am hoping to by a monfrotto Tripod head soon !
Will think of some witty to say, well when I think of it
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