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Old 25-05-2011, 10:40   #1
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Thumbs down Thief claims human rights law to stay out jail

A THIEF is using Human Rights laws to try to get out of jail, saying his kids are suffering without him.

Wayne Bishop, 33, got eight months for burglary and dangerous driving last month and has been granted legal aid to fund his case.

He claims he is the sole carer for his five children - aged between five and 12 - on five nights a week. And he says they are "bereft" while he is inside.

Now his lawyers have been given permission to take his case to the Appeal Courts. It is thought it will be the first time that a convicted criminal has used family circumstances to ask for leniency in a UK court.

Bishop's QC Ian Wise told a preliminary hearing that his client's sentence, handed out at Nottingham Crown Court last month, violated his human right to "respect" for his family life. And he claimed the judge's sentencing remarks made no mention of the impact on the five children.

Bishop, who has joint custody with his ex-partner in Clifton, Nottingham, was granted permission to appeal his jail term by Mrs Justice Gloster. The case is due to be heard this week.
Is this guy for real?

He didn't just accidently find himself in someone's house, and start taking their permissions... Oh whoops, I happen to be breaking in by accident, and oh look, I've taken their stuff without realising!! Kelptomania is a dangerous thing clearly.

If he's the sole carer for 5 children, what was he thinking doing something so stupid? And who was looking after the kids whilst he was finding himself curiously in another person's home?

If he is now so worried about the impact iot'll have on his kids, why didn't he think before accidently finding himself thieving? It's not as if it's not a premeditated act.

Furthermore, this opens a whole can of worms - hey look thieves, have lots of kids, and beg the judges not to send you to jail when you commit a crime because you have to look after your kids! Carte blanche for the moronic underclass of people that think misappropriating things is a legitimate way of living one's life with no impact to themselves - lest we forget the actual victims of the crime itself.

Why the hell are we allowing him to appeal?! Who the hell gives these people "human rights".

Don't get me wrong, I feel for people who are so destitute that they feel that crime is the only way to live. It must be a fairly desperate feeling to actually do that. However, that being said, I would say that most are fully aware of their actions and don't give a toss about anybody else, or who gets hurt in the process.

Personally I feel that Bishop is a selfish disgusting individual. What sort of role model is he for his kids? Sure, he may be the world's best dad at home, and read them books, makes them do their homework and tries to bring them up properly, but what a way to undermine everything you've ever taught them if that's the case.

This is a slippery slope towards chaos in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I believe people have a right to be treated properly, and I think human rights have their place - but I'm leaning towards that if you premeditate a crime and certainly one that violates the human rights of others then you're effectively vetoing your own human rights, or at least to be judged against them to the same degree.

Hiding behind kids is such a pathetic and disgusting act IMO.

Apologies for the rant - I heard this on the news driving to work this morning and it's been causing a knot in my stomach.
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Old 26-05-2011, 08:12   #2
Vodka Martini
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He claims he is the sole carer for his five children -
Bishop, who has joint custody with his ex-partner ....
Why can't his ex-partner care for them. If he has joint custody, he's clearly not the sole carer.

It's my human right not to have to live in a world where criminals go unpunished for their crimes, flount the law and cause menace and distress to others, so I think we should start a petition to get rediculous abuses of the human rights laws like this banned. And the beauty is, we can use their own arguments against them.... it's against OUR Human Rights!
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Old 26-05-2011, 19:50   #3
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Originally Posted by volospian View Post
Why can't his ex-partner care for them. If he has joint custody, he's clearly not the sole carer.

It's my human right not to have to live in a world where criminals go unpunished for their crimes, flount the law and cause menace and distress to others, so I think we should start a petition to get rediculous abuses of the human rights laws like this banned. And the beauty is, we can use their own arguments against them.... it's against OUR Human Rights!
That's a cracking point. I had this discussion with a radio presenter this morning driving to Coventry (I listen to talk/current affairs radio ) - we agreed, but that's a cracking point.

I just hope this doesn't set a precedent. What a ****ing pathetic piece of work hiding behind his kids - he's an embarrassment as a man/human being and as a father.
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Old 27-05-2011, 00:23   #4
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I can't comment on this because I will go off on one.
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Old 27-05-2011, 07:41   #5
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I'd love to hear it. But I'm guessing you're not supporting it?
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Old 27-05-2011, 08:25   #6
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Nope. I'll tell you over a beer!
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Old 27-05-2011, 12:27   #7
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Old 28-05-2011, 08:30   #8
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This world is becoming more ridiculous by the day
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Old 30-05-2011, 23:28   #9
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Dad wasn't caring much for his children when the kleptomania got the better of him, so why is he suddenly caring so much now? Oh, that's right, because he's the one behind bars. Obviously couldn't give a **** about either the children or the victim. I won't go so far as to say he should be denied access, because that's unfair on the children, but I sincerely hope this plot backfires.
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