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Old 01-06-2011, 20:06   #1
Nice weak cup of Earl Grey
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Talking Afrikaans for beginners

Ok. So Pheebs introduced me and mentioned that I have just returned from South Africa. I have been saying things like "lying with his bones in the light" to her that I have had to back track and explain as it is a direct translation from broken Afrikaans.

So I figured, before I start saying things that confuse you all, like, "i feel like a recolouringman on a smartie box". I figured I had best give you a sneak peak into the joys of the Afrikaans lingo. I'm a lazy tart so I have just copied this and pasted it. I'll find the infinitely more interesting How to Swear/Use of Bad Language one at a later stage.

Enjoy Souties

For Those Who Don't Understand Afrikaans...

Most South Africans speak at least two languages, many speak three or more. The Afrikaans language is one of eleven offical languages in South Africa. It is a wonderfully descriptive language and direct translation from Afrikaans to English often provides humourous results.

This was given to me by a friend so the source is unknown. If you can read and understand Afrikaans, you'll enjoy this! (If you can't then you still will imo)

1) Verlede jaar het ek en my swaer en my skoonseun per vliegtuig na Windhoek gereis om veral die dierelewe van Namibie te besigtig.

Last year, me and my heavy and my cleanson traveled by flying harness to Windcorner specially to belook the animal-living in Namibia.

2) In die Noorde het ons toe volop springbokke, steenbokke, biesbokke, kameelperde en ook meerkatte gesien.

In the North we then saw full-up jumping goats, brick buck, bald buck, camel horses and also more cats.

3) Een keer was ons senuwees egter skoon op hol.

One time genuine our sinews were clean on hollow.

4) Ons het agtergekom dat 'n luiperd besig was om ons te bekruip.

We aftercame that a lazy-horse was becreeping us.

5) In 'n oomblik was ons slaggereed met ons dubbelloop haelgewere.

In an uncle-tin we were slaughter ready with our double-walk hail guns.

6) Toe die luiperd agter die bos roer, skiet ons almal gelyk.

When the lazy-horse mixed behind the bush, we all shot equal.

7) Na alles verby was, was ons hare baie deurmekaar. Ons het dit toe netjies gemaak, in die bakkie geklim en huis toe gery.

After all was past, our hairs were very through each other. We then made it into small nets, we climbed in the dish and rode home.

8) Langs die pad het ons 'n papwiel gekry.

Along the road we got a porridge wheel.

9) So het ons lang, opwindende dag geeindig.

So did our long wound-up day end.
A few things everyone should be aware of:
  1. Dragons do exist
  2. Pixies live in walls
  3. Zonking out in the sun is not illegal
  4. Zonking is the art of doing fek all and enjoying it
  5. Howling at the moon is best done with friends

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Old 01-06-2011, 21:17   #2
Screaming Orgasm
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If this is posted on t'internet, please could I have the link. I don't think posting links to BD at work would be a good idea, but a bit of fun at the boss's expense won't do any harm!
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Old 01-06-2011, 23:41   #3
Deep Throat
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Hahaha! I heart you!

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Old 01-06-2011, 23:49   #4
Del Lardo
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I ran a training session a few years back with three French guys who couldn't speak English and three guys from South Africa who were fluent English speakers.

I could understand the French guys better than the South African guys
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Old 02-06-2011, 20:50   #5
Nice weak cup of Earl Grey
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hahaha Del Lardo. The SA accent is a little horrid. I'm am happy to say that at least I have not come back with it
for Mark
A few things everyone should be aware of:
  1. Dragons do exist
  2. Pixies live in walls
  3. Zonking out in the sun is not illegal
  4. Zonking is the art of doing fek all and enjoying it
  5. Howling at the moon is best done with friends

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Old 02-06-2011, 21:03   #6
Deep Throat
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Gem... You have a SA accent!!! Muppet!
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Old 02-06-2011, 21:06   #7
Nice weak cup of Earl Grey
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Yeah, but I don't speak like some American trying to put on a really bad Afrikaans accent. Imagine I sounded like Leo in Blood Diamonds.
A few things everyone should be aware of:
  1. Dragons do exist
  2. Pixies live in walls
  3. Zonking out in the sun is not illegal
  4. Zonking is the art of doing fek all and enjoying it
  5. Howling at the moon is best done with friends

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Old 02-06-2011, 21:08   #8
nipples lol (o)(o)
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Having heard you on the phone today, you sound South African sorry!
Originally Posted by Kitten View Post

I'm still madly in love with my Dolly
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Old 02-06-2011, 21:32   #9
Nice weak cup of Earl Grey
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Ah dammit! I give up. :P
A few things everyone should be aware of:
  1. Dragons do exist
  2. Pixies live in walls
  3. Zonking out in the sun is not illegal
  4. Zonking is the art of doing fek all and enjoying it
  5. Howling at the moon is best done with friends

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Old 02-06-2011, 22:31   #10
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Nowt wrong with the saffer accent, once you get used to it
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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