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Old 13-10-2006, 22:44   #1
Vodka Martini
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Default Iceland.

Odd country, all shots taken with Pentax MZ-M and 35-80mm lens with a polarized filter and a UV filter.

I guess I had best show the picture of what people traditionally expect of Iceland.

I will host the whole lot tomorrow with some videos.

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Old 13-10-2006, 23:13   #2
Vodka Martini
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I'd love to go to Iceland.

What kind of temps did you have?
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Old 13-10-2006, 23:33   #3
Vodka Martini
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About 7c pleasant enough but when it gets windy and it rains its a horrible minging little cesspool of a country, when the sun shines it's wonderful. Apart from a few odd things like boiling water and glaciers its very similar to the very North end of Scotland. And New Zealand is probably a better place to go to. Didn't see the Northern Lights because of the damn cloud.

I can't say which is the best time of year to go really as when we went everything is shut down as it's off season. But in summer it is rammed with tourists and that really would defeat the whole point of going there which is that you can travel 500 miles and see nobody, which i think is more impressive than somthing which squirts hot water on you when you try to take a picture of it.

The temperature is decieving really, that lighthouse picture was oh so very very cold. And this picture below was quite pleasant, I had a t-shirt on.

What else... food is excellent if you follow one of those Lonely Planet books and is reasonable enough in price; think eating out in London every night, until you start drinking which is when you are crashing through the £100 mark for two people for one course...

Reykjavik.... supposedly the coolest happenenist place in the world according to many people. It is around the size of Derby and it's centre is a nigh bit bigger than Burton-On-Trent's. It is basically a small town trying to be a capital city. As to the legendary nightlife its no more wild than Derby on a Friday night really, the problem arises is that it doesn't really kick off until 1-2am but the bars all close by around 3:30-4:30am this gives a pretty short time in which to get hammered, dance, pull and go home wench in hand whereas the average Britischer starts at 8-10pm. So people drink at chain rate, don't really have to go get going, stagger about blind drunk, go home and do it again on Saturday then spend the rest of the week paying off their debts on their huge 4WD superjeeps. I found the bar owned by Damon Alburn and frequented by Bjork in around 2 minutes...

That said... it's still an amazing place and whilst there were many places things I could have done with the money; I still think it was worth the cost. Still pleased to say my travel agenda is still packed and I am thinking of doing a Palin of some kind, prehaps a Pole to Pole.

Last edited by William; 14-10-2006 at 00:03.
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Old 14-10-2006, 09:16   #4
Vodka Martini
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Oh. I thought it'd be colder than that

Would it be colder and wetter later in the year?
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Old 14-10-2006, 09:55   #5
Vodka Martini
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It's wet now, the whole country gets covered in snow December. On top of the icecaps it is bloody cold however and you get sunburn... >

You only get four hours of daylight in winter though, but you do get to see the Northern Lights, but I hear you can see them in the Hebrideis in winter as well.

You are talking about -5c in winter in Iceland, it is quite a warm country though due to the Gulf Stream.
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Old 14-10-2006, 10:00   #6
The Night Worker
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Incredible place and somewhere i would really like to go. Cheers for sharing.

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Old 14-10-2006, 10:24   #7
Vodka Martini
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Swam in this, it's a lake about 2500ft up a mountain track; I have never seen cleaner water, and I have never swam in colder water.

Seriously if anyone does go do all the stereotypical icelandy stuff in the reykjavik peninsula in a day then do the full circuit and make sure you have a decent jeep.

Because this happens alot:

And despite the £15,000 excess on our insurance, we still gave it a go with our Hyundai Santa Fe. Which is a cracking car.

One of these is preferable...


Last edited by William; 14-10-2006 at 10:30.
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Old 14-10-2006, 10:34   #8
The Night Worker
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I have seen some of that 4 wheel driving on the telly over here.
Apparently they drop the PSi to around 4
There technique for getting tyres back on the rims is brilliant to watch aswell.
Can't remember exactly but it went something like fill with gas, light, BANG and it was back on.
I could proper handle some of that.

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Old 15-10-2006, 22:52   #9
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Stunning pictures. And what a wonderful insight of Iceland - it's one of those places I'd really like to go but really am not sure on. Seems really intruiging and different. So did you enjoy the hot springs and the live volcanoes?
No No!
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Old 16-10-2006, 08:59   #10
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Originally Posted by Le Hoff View Post
Stunning pictures. And what a wonderful insight of Iceland - it's one of those places I'd really like to go but really am not sure on.
Its one of those places I know I must visit. Its got a certain feel to it. Whenever I see photos its always mystical looking.
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