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Old 30-11-2006, 12:17   #1
The Last Airbender
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Default Desmo's Kitchen Adventures

As most of you know, Sinead has been hard at work in the gym, so now we're working hard in the kitchen as well.
She's signed up to a website that gives you a meal plan with list of ingredients and cooking instructions.

I, Desmo, step up to the plate and cooked last nights meal
Now I'm not much of a cook. Most I ever used to do was the odd stir-fry, oven food and pasta, etc.
Never really done any "proper" cooking before.

It's been quite funny as Sinead is not liking me encroach into her kitchen space. I don't really know how to do some things and I'm not very quick at it. I want to do it myself though so that I'm learning as I go. She's getting frustrated with me but she's trying her best to stay calm

So here we go with last nights installment...

Wednesday - Chicken Caserole
This is enough to serve two and the following instructions are probably wrong as I'm doing it off the top of my head

Chop up one onion and fry up a bit, add sliced carrot (4oz) and chopped mushrooms (8oz) and a tin of chopped tomatoes. Stir it all up a bit and stick it in a caserole dish. Now chop up some chicken (??oz, chicken breast) and chuck it in the caserole dish with the other stuff. Thinly slice some new potatoes (not old ones with dirt on, hahahaha) and layer them across the top of the caserole mix. Now chuck it in a pre-heated 220° oven for an hour and then eat it. Yum yum.

Well, it went well last night and although I was a little slow, food came up trumps
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:21   #2
The Stig
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Played dude

I'm trying to do the same myself, my cooking skills are very basic, and I cant be living off takeaways when I eventually get a place. Not that I'll get fat (\o/), it's just the guilt
apt-get moo
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:26   #3
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Well done fella personally I love cooking and enjoy cooking stuff for people Nice one on giving it a go.
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:26   #4
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Here's what we had for Monday and Tuesday. Sinead cooked these and I just helped, hence they weren't as nice as my caserole

These are now from old memory cells so I'll probably get most of this wrong

Monday Night - Turkey Stuffed Peppers
Take two green peppers and get rid of the middle **** so you're just left with the shell. Cook some rice with some green stuff in it (can't remember it all but do remember some chopped green pepper and probably some herb stuff). Fry up some chopped turkey, add it to the rice and then stuff it into the peppers. Chuck them in the oven for a bit (can't remember how long, think it was 15 minutes). Serve pepper on a plate with some of the spare turkey and rice mix and add some green lettuce looking stuff.

Tuesday Night - Sweet & Sour Chicken
Chop up chicken breast and add soy sauce and a small amount of corn flour. Fry it up baby. Now get some tomato puree, add some soy sauce, rice vinegar and sugar and mix in well. Pull your chicken from the pan and set it aside. Pop into the pan some grated ginger and crushed garlic then sitr for a bit. Add you chicken and then add your sauce and stir. Get some rice on the go and when it's all done fill your tum.
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:26   #5
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Sounds good! If you put sliced potato on top of a casserole though doesn't it then become a hotpot?

Anyway, pedantry aside, my cooking skills seem to have plateaued recently. I can whip up all kinds of dishes and have even invented some of my own - turkey breast stuffed with sausage meat and wrapped in bacon anyone?! - but the really tricky stuff I just can't be bothered with. If it requires more than twenty minutes prep then my enthusiasm wanes. I think I need a cookbook for Christmas!

Kudos for getting stuck in though.
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:30   #6
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Originally Posted by Belmit View Post
If it requires more than twenty minutes prep then my enthusiasm wanes.
I'm the same
Had so many big cooking plans when I first moved out and achieved very few of them.
Maybe in the New Year I'll get more time to try them, got a few ideas. Just not got round to it.
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:33   #7
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Sounds really good. I used to cook a fair bit when I lived by myself but I've just not done any real cooking for years. Perhaps this will give me the motivation.
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:33   #8
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Handy thing about living at home - I get some home cooked meals from Mum

The rest are filled in with my buying take-away, or the standard pasta, chips etc kind of meals.

All going to change yet again when I move soon though, and I plan to make more of an effort this time
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:34   #9
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Where's this site Desmo?
apt-get moo
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Old 30-11-2006, 12:38   #10
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I really enjoy cooking, but rarely get the time to do much of it.

This time of year I'll make up big pots of soup (broccoli & stilton or leek & potato usually), stews, casseroles and that sort of thing.

Dinner tonight is going to fresh pasta and 4 cheese sauce. All home made, and all piss easy to make.
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