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Old 09-07-2007, 12:46   #1
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Default Toilets at work part deux

I've commented before about the toilets at work and how much I dislike them. I have even tried to rearrange my priorities so that I don't have to use them but unfortunately my daily grumblings appear to be dictated more by the time of day than what I eat and when I eat it. I would be the ideal person to have when lost at sea as my timing is accurate to within minutes most days. Navigating on a ship would be a doddle.

This leaves me with a regular time slot each day in my choice of cubicle. Stalls 2 and 3 have the least bogies wiped on the wall so I tend to choose one of those two. I avoid the toilet if the lid is down because this usually means there is a surprise lurking underneath. What makes people think that if they leave a baby's arm that won't flush away that putting the lid down makes it magically go away?

During my regular period I'm guessing that other people experience their own regular 24 hour bowel movement. I have been able to verify this with a few simple observations. The easiest is we tend to wear the same shoes nearly every day and because there is a gap under the bottom of the cubicle wall I often spot the same shoe on view to my left while I am busy popping a vein. This is easily foiled by someone wearing a different pair so it's not entirely accurate by itself but I can couple it with other observations such as a shuffling walk or a distinctive cough. Thus I have anonymous toilet users that are actually identifiable without me having to know who they actually are. I remember I first did this when I started my career. The same person would come in and use the cubicle next door practically every day of the week.

I'm obsessed with what comes out of my chute. It's a wonderful window into how you are functioning as an individual. It tells you if you're getting enough fibre, eating too much fat, what you had last night was disagreeable and in extreme cases of chilli or sweetcorn, what you ate as well. Fascinating. So imagine my glee when I get to analyse another individual and their efforts are particularly, how do we put this, characteristic?

This guy that used to come in during my first job. It was shiny black brogues, can't remember what colour socks but every day would be the same noises. It was a blast of air followed by some splattering, sounds of a hot viscous airated liquid being forced under pressure through an aperture and, frankly, signs of distress. I'm not joking when I say it was every day, this guy literally had to go through this trauma every day of the week. I wouldn't even want to speculate what he must have been eating but I think that sort of daily punishment would age me prematurely.

So that's the past, today I have different colleagues and the happenings behind the cubicle wall are very different too. We have a bloke with a noisy nose. This is definitely not the person who wipes the bogies on the wall because it's simply not possible to have nostrils that sound like they have a pair of biro lids shoved up them if the contents have been picked out and wiped on the inside of the cubicle. This person also either shuffles about a lot or they wear noisy clothes. Experimenting for myself I have come to the conclusion that it is the former and excessive shuffling and nose use while trying to lay a cable can mean only one thing: excess effort. Then there is the guy who sounds like a garden hose. I can only conclude he has a comedy oversize urethra because I haven't heard water transferred from one vessel to another like that since I emptied a water bowser with a 2" diameter pipe. I am humbled by his bladder capacity, it is most impressive.

The last person I wish to comment on here is the excessive toilet roll user. I only notice this person at the end of their session when the toilet roll dispenser starts to complain. Literally miles are reeled off, balled up and then the rubbing begins. Rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, pause, reel, reel, reel, reel, reel, reel, pause, repeat. What kind of mess must this be making? I could never do this to myself!!!!! I don't even want to think about it.

Still, I guess there are mookie munchers out there so what would I know...

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Old 09-07-2007, 12:54   #2
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You have too much time on your hands?

Try taking a book
The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

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Old 09-07-2007, 12:58   #3
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I'm impressed by your observations and I hope you never work at the same place I do. Not because I'm worried you'd observe me but because I think you'd be bored silly.

We have three traps, none have a gap at the bottom or top and the walls seems so thick that it's practically impossible to hear through them.

Trap 1 used to be my trap of choice but trap 2 has recently had a new seat so that's now become my favourite. I don't like trap 3 as the seat is very loose and tends to move around as one lifts a buttock to do the wiping thing.

Regarding the troughs, trough 1 is where I prefer to urinate, trough 2 is in the middle so is definately not the place to be and trough 3 is right by the air freshener so if it happens to squirt it's stuff whilst one is peeing, the spray gets in ones hair.

The numbering is all done from left to right as you're facing the traps/troughs though so effectively trap 1 is opposite trough 3.

Our toilets are good, clean, tidy and sweet smelling. It's a pleasure to defacate in them.
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Old 09-07-2007, 13:01   #4
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Originally Posted by Feek View Post
the spray gets in ones hair.
Becoming less of a problem for me as time goes on but I guess it's probably a scalp irritant. A barnet serves to protect that delicate skin on the top of your head at least.
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Old 09-07-2007, 13:03   #5
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True, I still don't like my head smelling of 'fresh toilet' though.
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Old 10-07-2007, 15:45   #6
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May I present our office toilet

Lurvely aint it......

However....should I venture to the 4th floor of our office block I am presented with this wonderful feat of human invention

It washes yer bum for when you get those 'orrible take forever to wipe poos this baby does the trick......

Hence, "visiting the 4th floor" has become the new slang term for going for a horrible poo, in work.

It has to be said though that it's not really our toilet and we have to "ninja" our way to the 4th floor facility. It's quite exciting really...haven't been caught yet.......

Just to add...those pics aren't of the actual toilets in question but they are identical
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Old 10-07-2007, 16:16   #7
The Night Worker
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Originally Posted by Kamikaze_Pigeon View Post
May I present our office toilet

Now i know why you are called kamikaze_Pigeon as you take your life in your hands every time you take a Dump, Literally

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Old 10-07-2007, 16:24   #8
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My mum would have had exemption rights for the fourth floor. Being a rheumatoid arthritic and all there's now way in hell she would have been able to use one of those floor mounted jobbies.....

A bullet may have your name on it, but shrapnel is addressed "to whom it may concern".
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Old 10-07-2007, 17:40   #9
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If you think floaters and bogies are bad......

I popped into one of my customers toilet cubicles today to find a VERY suspect white substance :****er: Suffice to say I used the toilets on the next floor down
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Old 11-07-2007, 09:54   #10
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They have put a little air freshener in the dishwasher. It looks like a toilet freshener that hangs in the back of the bowl "cleaning" it and smells roughly the same. It's like unloading a urinal
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