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Old 13-09-2007, 09:43   #1
Admiral Huddy
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Default Your Gym Program...

Thought I'd start this up since we have a running hread.. this is geared mor towwrds the gym itslef..

I seem to have hit a wall recently.. so I've changed my program and I've adopted an agressive approach to my training..

The empasis is to concentrate on getting more done in a set time, therefore the increasing the intesity. Hence the increased number of sets and supersetting.

This is totally different way to what I've been doing which is a set "split-program" based on smaller number of sets and heavier weights but I need something to get my teeth into Grrr!!

So, the weight of the item isn't importantant here. The objective is to keep going for the duration of the session leaving no more than a minute between sets (ideally 30 seconds)

This is a 10 week program starting on Monday and each session should be done in within 1.5 hours max!!

Notice also the lack of cardio work.. I've lost quite a bit of muscle (especially around the arms) recently and I think this is due to cardio work on the back end of weight training 20-30 minutes). This has been causing catobosim rather than hypertrophy. Cardio can be down outside the gym in isolation.

So the basic program consists of:

Routine one :

3 minute warm up only
8-9 sets of Chest (super-setting Flat barbell press and dumbell flys)
8-9 set of Back (supersetting bent over rows and dumbell delt flys)
4 sets of squats
5 minute cool down

Routine 2:

3 minute warm up
8-9 sets of Shoulders (super-setting barbell shoulder press and lat raises)
8-9 set of Arms (super-setting bi's (preacher curls) and tri's (bench dips)
5-10 minutes stomach (acts as cool down)

Routine 3:

3 minute warm up only
8-9 sets of Chest (super-setting incl dumbell press and dec barbell press)
8-9 set of Back (Seated rows and lat pull downs)
4 sets of dead lifts
5 minute cool down

Routine 4:

3 minute warm up
8-9 sets of Shoulders (super-setting dumbell press and chin ups)
8-9 set of Arms (super-setting bi's (barbell curls) and tri's (pull downs and kickbacks)
5-10 minutes on stomach (acts as cool down)

I have no idea if this is going to work. I know it's going to be hard but liking the challange ahead.. We'll see..

Interested in your thoughts (prods Roberta)

Otherwise, post your gym routine

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 13-09-2007, 09:47   #2
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My favorite gym programe is 'Lets Do Pelvic Thrusts with Kirsty Gallacher'

I could watch it all day


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Old 13-09-2007, 09:48   #3
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Well they lovely Roberta has just kindly designed me this routine,

Warm up 5 minute brisk cardio & Stretch

10 reps x 3 sets of the following with 30 seconds rest between each set:

Bicep curls,
Weighted lunges (barbell) or leg curls followed by leg extension machines
Lat pull or pull ups
Weighted squats (barbell) or leg press machine
Chest press or press ups
Ab curls or ab machine
Back (dorsal) raises on floor or on gym ball

20 mins cardio.

It's all going to start in the next couple of days and I'm looking forward to it.
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Old 13-09-2007, 10:37   #4
Del Lardo
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My gym routine involves me losing 45 pounds a month and I don't even need to attend
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Old 13-09-2007, 10:38   #5
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Recently for about a month I followed an online plan that I found. It consisted of supersets and you changed them every week. Week 1 was:

Superset 1:
20 standard press-ups.
20 bodyweight squats.
Do 3 sets.
Rest 1 min.

Superset 2:
20 Stationary bodyweight lunges per leg.
20 pull-ups.
Do 3 sets.
Rest 1 min.

Superset 3:
15 Burpees.
45 second plank.
Do 3 sets.

Did that Mon, Weds, Fri, and did HIIT running on Tues, Thurs, Sat - 5 min jog to playing field, 3 sets of sprinting for 1 min, jogging for 2 inbetween.

Week 2 was :

Superset 1:
20 'Dive bomber' push-ups.
20 Squat jumps.

Superset 2:
20 Chin-ups.
15 Alternating split squat jumps per leg.

Superset 3:
30 Double crunches.
45 second plank (one foot).

Takes less than half an hour to do the entire thing, but by god you work up a sweat.

I've now moved on to a plan worked out at my gym. Will try it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes.

Last edited by Belmit; 13-09-2007 at 10:42.
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Old 13-09-2007, 11:07   #6
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I usually go on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday sort of a split but sometimes I've obviously got other things to do so I can alter the days around slightly. I also play badminton once a week and I might take up swimming again. I'm thinking about changing my routine around as I'm pretty used to this now and I'd prefer to do something a bit different but anyway this is pretty much what I do and the order in which I usually do it.

Day 1
5-10 minute warm up on the treadmill or exercise bike
Bench press - 3x8
Chest press - 3x8
Tricep extension of a sort on a lat-pulldown machine - 3x8
Seated calf raises - 3x8
Shrugs - 3x8 or sometimes dips
Ab work

Day 2
5-10 minute warm up on the treadmill or exercise bike
Seated leg extensions - 3x8
Seated leg curls - 3x8
Calf raises - 3x8
Possibly more shrugs but it depends how I'm feeling
Ab work

Day 3
5-10 minute warm up on the treadmill or exercise bike
Lat pulldowns - 3x8
Bicep curls - 3x8
Incline dumbell press - 3x8
Seated rows (but with a straight bar since my gym is crap) - 3x8
Ab work
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Old 13-09-2007, 14:04   #7
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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My daily workout.

Day 1:
3 minute walk.
Purchase pint.
Bend right arm 8 times.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 (x11).
12 minute walk.


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Old 13-09-2007, 14:23   #8
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I do a lot of classes so I aim to do the following in a week..

3 x Body Combat
3 x Body Pump
1 x Body Balance
1 x Awesome Abs
(Spinning will hopefully be added to this in the next couple of weeks)

Plus 1 - 2 x gym routine which consists off...

10 mins X-Trainer
10 mins Bike
10 mins Rowing machine

Leg press weight machine
Inner / Outer thigh weight machine
Seated Row weight machine
Seated Fly weight machine

Fitball balance
Fitball rolls
Back extensions
Tricep dips on the weights bench with fitball
Bicep pushups on the step with 3 raises.
Various stretches etc
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Old 13-09-2007, 14:27   #9
Admiral Huddy
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Nice one Kelly

Right I've just given routine 3 a trial run .. I'm bloody cream crakered... I started flaking a bit after 60 minutes.. managed to dig deep..and keep moving .. making asure i left hardly any time between sets.. Arms are shaking a bit now.

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 13-09-2007, 16:23   #10
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Highly active job and not much time after with kids so time limited. At the mo I'm doing weekly:

Power Walking (I'm running the club) 1hr pw
It's great! I get paid to power walk/jog in sand then do loads of squats and lunges, then up and down the seaside steps several times then back to work!

1 x 1.5 hour Funky Pump (killer class! Love it!)

3 + Pole sessions each about an hour

Was running too but time has been tight recently. Bah.

Things due to change when my job moves to new premises as will be just as active in job but also teaching an hour class a day (Boxercise, Cardio Kick, Pump It Up, Pilates, circuits - whatever I feel like really.)

Aim to be teaching 2-4 pole classes a week by xmas too.

It's aaaaaaaaaaaall good.
I fell out of favour with Heaven somewhere, and I'm here for the hell of it now...
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