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Old 17-12-2007, 13:25   #1
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Lightbulb Game of the year

With a year full of a wide range of hits on all the systems, there's been plenty to choose from for your game of the year.
A few possible examples to get your brain ticking:
On the 360: Crackdown, The Darkness, Mass Effect, CoD4, The Orange Box, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Forza 2, GH3 and many others.
On the PC: Crysis, The Orange Box, CoD4, Bioshock, Football Manager 2008, Unreal Tournament 3 and many others.

What would be your game of the year? I haven't listed wii or PS2/PS3 games as I'm assuming most people on here are 360 and PC gamers but feel free to suggest any

Also to make things slightly different, what would be your surprise hit of the year? A game you didn't expect to be amazing, possibly because of lack of hype or media coverage, but that you were pleasantly surprised by.
Again, feel free to throw anything in worthy of note about your gaming year

For me, my game of the year is a toughy. I really want to say Mass Effect or Eternal Sonata as I'm such a huge fan of RPGs and them both, but I can't. Eternal Sonata although extremely enjoyable was flawed and didn't really add a huge deal to the genre. Mass Effect is similar, an amazing game but still felt like Knights of The Old Republic but without the license. This isn't a bad thing, it just means I can't quite call it game of the year for me, but I do understand why people would say it is.
I'm extremely tempted by Call of Duty 4 as it has a long lasting multiplayer mode and a compelling single player mode.

But I think, I'll have to give it to Bioshock. Its story was surprisingly complex in my opinion, it managed to convey various messages and philosophy from modern day politics and politics from the 20th Century. I enjoyed the fact that it would scare me but not so much that it'd put me off continuing. And overall, despite its obvious flaws, I felt a part of Rapture throughout my playing it.
It may be a game that I'll only play once or twice ever, but to me, the single player experience is everything and it's admirably achieved that if you ask me.

For a surprise hit, it would be Bladestorm on the 360. A game I would never have played if I hadn't been sent a review copy, but it's great fun and underrated in my opinion. I recommend everyone goes out and at least rents it. It deserves some attention as it's great fun.

On another note, Final Fantasy 12 has been hugely deprived by me despite my excitement to buy it earlier in the year. I really need to rectify that in the New Year

Plenty of other amazing games this year but I'd never finish typing if I continued
Feel free to write similar length posts, hopefully it'll make for interesting discussion
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Old 17-12-2007, 13:46   #2
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I think that currently, Bioshock is the game of the year for me. I played it almost non-stop for an entire weekend, and was almost sad to finish it as it meant it was over. It's simply the best single player experience of the past year for me, and that just about gives it the title for me.

However, I will add that Mass Effect may beat it by the time I've finished with it. I'll let you know by the end of the year

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 17-12-2007, 14:31   #3
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When it comes to game of the year for me, I struggle to look past the Orange Box (as a collection). I dont think any of the games on their own would stand up to such a title, but as a package it caters for every taste - a great offline shooter with an established franchise from which to tell a story, a fun online shooter that even I can play, and a brilliantly clever puzzle game. It's I think as close as you'll get to a proper 'all things to all men' game.

If I put the Orange Box aside, I guess it'd have to be Guitar Hero 2. Without a doubt it's taken the most hours of my life, and I still really really enjoy playing it.

Surprise hit? It may be old but Viva PiƱata. A short shelf life, but I never expected such depth to the mechanics. Pegged as a kids game it's not really a challenge and very forgiving, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed working towards the different achievements (with a lack of story the achievement system brings a wide range of goals to a title that otherwise would probably have an even shorter shelf life without them).

Though I'm also in the same boat as Jen with FF XII, I need to give it more time. We've been spoiled this year though, be interesting to see how we get on in the next 12 months.
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Old 17-12-2007, 14:44   #4
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I really don't know what to put as game of the year, as i've played so many good games this year. Halo, Guitar Hero, Mass Effect, but i've got to give it to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. They've kept me entertained for well over 150 hours now, and i've only stopped due to my DS being absent.

Suprise hit would probably be Mass Effect as i'm not usually a fan of RPG's, but any game that can get me to play through it 3 times has got to be slightly good.

I'm going to add in biggest dissapointment as well. Bioshock and Forza 2 were two games I was looking forward too, but I didn't really enjoy either of them. I can see how they're good games, but I can't see how they're great games.
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Old 17-12-2007, 15:03   #5
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I enjoyed The Darkness, very much


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Old 17-12-2007, 15:55   #6
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COD 4, only game I completed on the PC this year. Very good very enjoyable will probably still have me going at it next year too.

GRAW 2 also very good game for the PC, great graphics damm hard and needs you to think loads.

Crysis, disappointment. Not enjoying it as much as I should too many technical errors at the start.

On the 360 I have literally just finished Halo 3. Was pretty damm good in the end, well pleased with it although quite short.

Bioshock, loving it so far although I seem to have put it down and find it hard to pick up again, really must give it another go.

So.... my game of the year for 2007......

COD 4, single player campaign is brilliant and the online multi player is just plain ACE.
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Old 17-12-2007, 17:04   #7
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Bioshock : Finished this yesterday. It petered off a little bit in the end difficulty wise, but had a good deep involving plot to keep you going.. once you got past the first level or so IMO. I picked it up once and gave up after a couple of hours play. Wasn't until I came to it again this time (more out of graphical curiosity now I've got a faster gfx card) that I discovered its actually a good game. Gave me pinnings for Deus Ex though for some reason.

Crysis : Reasonable game, once you get past a few irritating quirks. I like that it forced me to change my play styles and think about how I approached stuff. I had a real heart beater segment when I proved to be a dire shot with a missile launcher. I ended up running a whole massive distance of the map hiding behind trees from the helo whenever I needed to recharge / heal up. Runrunrun... look for rock or tree... crap where are they?!.... hide...recharge.... runrunrunrun

Not played many other new games this year.
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Old 18-12-2007, 00:55   #8
Do you want to hide in my box?
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I've remembered I've deprived Blue Dragon too. Got it for my birthday and barely touched it It started out slow and I think I just moved onto something else without giving it a proper chance.
As a 360 owner I really have been spoilt for choice. Almost makes me wish for a slow Winter games wise, give me time to catch up!
I keep having an urge to play Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 as it is which would take up obscene amounts of time
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Old 18-12-2007, 02:17   #9
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Originally Posted by Creature View Post
Suprise hit would probably be Mass Effect as i'm not usually a fan of RPG's, but any game that can get me to play through it 3 times has got to be slightly good.
Considering the amount of press it got before and after release I don't think it can really be called a surpise hit. Glad you like it though, I love a good RPG myself

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 18-12-2007, 10:48   #10
Joe 90
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got to be CoD4 for me simply cose no other game has made me play it day in, day out without feeling let down.

biggest flop of the year - halo 3... didn't ahve the same 'omg i want to play this all the time'ness of CoD
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