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Old 15-09-2007, 10:40   #1
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Default Plans for the weekend?

No point to this thread other than to make me feel jealous

Last night I had pizza and watched some stuff which had been taped last week (you can tell I'm a 24year old party animal can't you )

Over today and tomorrow I have 2 rattie cages to clean out (maybe 3 if I decide to "decommission" Cmots cage - it is still all set up for him in case things went pear-shaped with the babies but he has been in with them for over a week now - I think he is resigned to the fact that he has a new home...with housemates )

I'm hoping to convince Mic to take me to pets at home as I need to get a corner litter tray for the babies cage - try and get them litter-trained nice and young Only problem with that is I know how much I end up spending in that place

Other than that its just washing and housework (see - my party animal ref ^^ up there is oh so true )

So come on peeps - its nice and sunny ( anyway) - how you spending your weekend?
The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

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Old 15-09-2007, 10:45   #2
semi-pro waster
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Today I shall be mostly visiting the local freshers fair, watching the rugby (having watched the tonking that was last nights match as well) and probably playing pool. All hopefully with a beer in my hand, however I may put it down to play pool for a second, I play badly enough with two hands.

Tomorrow not sure, possibly going swimming before having a nice evening meal with friends.
"Your friend is the man that knows all about you, and still likes you." - Elbert Hubbard
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Old 15-09-2007, 10:46   #3
The Night Worker
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Well i am waiting for the Missus to come round then i will load car up & head down the water for a major cruise. She has just got back from Ireland so will have some Top Irish whiskey for me I am going to get her to drop me off then drive on to the car park access to canal location. Then after loading the boat & casting off i plan on getting Pissed as a fart whilst steering us down the cut
That'll do me till about T time. After that i have no plans so i will either be laying on top of my boat burping spent Whiskey or eating from some questionable pub.
Just had the idea to ring a chinese from the boat & get it delivered.
Chinese shop. " Where would you like it delviered Sir "
Me. " To the Blue boat on the Ashby canal " +

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Old 15-09-2007, 10:48   #4
Rocket Fuel
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I'm going to do absolutely sod all above sitting in the garden with a book enjoying the sunshine
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Old 15-09-2007, 10:48   #5
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I'm doing some planning this morning. I would like to get a few slabs laid in the garden, need to get to halfords to get some wiper blades. Grass needs cutting too.
If all goes well today, may suggest heading down to Trago Mills to get a mirror and look for kitchen lights too. Then we can start thinking about putting some pictures back onto the walls!

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Old 15-09-2007, 10:59   #6
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I had a lovely Indian takeaway (Very nearly rivalled the awesome takeaway I had when I was living in Stafford ) last night while watching various stuff on TV to relax after a busy week.
Today I'm most likely gaming most of the day, 360's been deprived by my standards this week So I want to get on with some playing of Dirt. Hopefully have a late night of gaming with luck
Tomorrow I'm probably going to go visit an old workmate as I've still got a bottle of wine for her from a couple of weeks ago, and visit another mate to see how he's doing as it's been a few weeks.
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Old 15-09-2007, 11:13   #7
Lara Croft
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Today I shall mostly be having my bits waxed and doing some shopping in town. Tonight we will be having a lovely stirfry and slobbing on le sofa.

Tomorrow is Jamie's b'day so after a lovely looong lie in tomorrow we'll spend the day relaxing and tomorrow early evening we shall be going to a nice italian for some dinner

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Old 15-09-2007, 11:26   #8
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Just done what we've nicknames Clare Killer mix for BC so going for a shower in a second. Then I'm going to cut back the over-hanging branches from next door jungle of a front garden thats getting in the way of our door. Then off down to Whitley to check on the parents.

Then home and food, and get ready for a house warming / birthday party tonight on the wrong side of the river which I expect will last till at least the early hours of Sunday

Tomorrow if I'm sober enough and not in too much pain from the killer mix I'll go down to BP, shower and then off to Whitley for lunch with the family. Then house work at the parents followed by home and finally relaxing for a few hours Don't think I've got anything planned for Sunday night but that's always subject to change.
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Old 15-09-2007, 12:33   #9
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Weeeell yesterday i got a lift into town, pottered about a bit doing nothing really and then came home.
Today i will be writing a report (i keep writing repost!) on the archaeology dig i did in July and then going down the coast with my mum, dad, sister and her dods. Then maybe if there is time i'll go and buy some nice divided notepads for starting back at uni on Tuesday *cough* no lectures until Thursday *cough*.
Sunday will be me handing in said report and if i don't have time today buying notepads and a new uni hoodie since mine accidentally ended up in Texas...long story.

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Old 15-09-2007, 12:38   #10
Simple & Red
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today, I'm going to take the head unit out of my car to see if there's an auxiliary in on it. then I'm going to go to town (Charlotte tricked me into thinking that I'm getting a new piercing today, when actually I'm not until October) to mooch around. I think we might be going to Monkey World, or the Otter Sanctuary. Then maybe out for drinks tonight and hopefully a little programming and relaxing tomorrow.
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