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Old 28-10-2007, 02:31   #1
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Default Asus EEE

I like the sound of this - a small, light, sub-laptop with solid state HD and running under Linux. Not designed for DX10 games, etc, but for e-mails, a bit of surfing, WP docs, etc on the move.

From Google.

Some nice pics.


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Old 28-10-2007, 11:41   #2
semi-pro waster
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Looks pretty good to me, not going to break any speed records but then it was never designed to. The screen would be a little bit small for me to use often but then I don't have much call for a sub-notebook at the moment.
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Old 28-10-2007, 12:10   #3
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Isn't another manufacturer doing something similar? I remember reading about something similar a while back. For people travelling around this thing is ideal. I have a 17" monster laptop if I know I am going to be somewhere for a while, but at that price it will fill a nice hole.

It strikes me as the alternative to a 12" mac. Even the mac G4 12" notebooks are wayyyy overpriced. Yes they are good, but try getting one at a reasonable price. If this thing can play video's well enough then its on a winner. Simply get a 250gb 2.5" drive in a usb enclosure and you will have everything you could need on the move.

edit:- looks like the 1:1 $ to £ exchange rate is still holding up - good review

It looks as if they are coming out in the US on Nov1st. Isn't Leo heading out there then?

Last edited by Zirax; 28-10-2007 at 12:17.
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Old 28-10-2007, 12:36   #4
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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I've been toying with the idea of a sub notebook for a while.
Like Matt, I have a 17" monster (fnar) which is fine for taking out to the rig as I only carry it for a couple of days every month but something small and light would be nice for shorter journeys like meets etc. I'm currently using an Asus W3A with a 14.1" screen for this which is quite light but I fancy something around the 11"-12" range for ultra portability.

It would only be for web browsing, e-mail, the odd document and listening to music (actually, I wonder what the sound would be like on that - the sound on the Asus I'm using is barely audible even through Sennheiser cans or desktop speakers). Video would be a bonus but not essential as I don't watch a lot of movies (not mainstream movies anyway ).

I have a 100Gb HDD in a 2.5" caddy for my music and stuff so the SSD sounds good - should be fast and pretty quiet.

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Old 28-10-2007, 13:52   #5
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Originally Posted by Bigstan View Post
I've been toying with the idea of a sub notebook for a while.
Like Matt, I have a 17" monster (fnar) which is fine for taking out to the rig as I only carry it for a couple of days every month but something small and light would be nice for shorter journeys like meets etc. I'm currently using an Asus W3A with a 14.1" screen for this which is quite light but I fancy something around the 11"-12" range for ultra portability.

It would only be for web browsing, e-mail, the odd document and listening to music (actually, I wonder what the sound would be like on that - the sound on the Asus I'm using is barely audible even through Sennheiser cans or desktop speakers). Video would be a bonus but not essential as I don't watch a lot of movies (not mainstream movies anyway ).

I have a 100Gb HDD in a 2.5" caddy for my music and stuff so the SSD sounds good - should be fast and pretty quiet.
It has a headphone socket so you should be ok. If you are in a hotel rooms a lot of them have started having audio inputs on the tv so you can hook up your ipod
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Old 28-10-2007, 13:52   #6
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I love my little Dell M1210 XPS. Perfect balance between power and usability for me. When i'm home i just hook it up to another screen use both then, along with bluetooth mouse and sometimes but rarely nowdays due to laziness bluetooth keyboard. Plug speakers into the ports and it's my stand alone PC too. I've given up with PC's for now, hauling them to and from two address for wasn't for me, and buying another wasn't really an option although cost a fair whack it's basically my only PC/laptop now.

For me the upgrades i'm looking at down the line are, more memory (only have 1g paid more for a faster processor at the time) at least 2g in this machine may help vista out a lot. When SSD prices fall i'd like to replace the internal 160g HD with something 64g (yeah when prices fall i said ). Maybe add a bluetooth remote that fits in the express slot for when i use it for movies hooked up to the TV (or put a TV tuner in there or a USB slot).

Last edited by LeperousDust; 28-10-2007 at 13:56.
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Old 28-10-2007, 14:29   #7
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Originally Posted by Zirax View Post
It has a headphone socket so you should be ok. If you are in a hotel rooms a lot of them have started having audio inputs on the tv so you can hook up your ipod
There's a headphone socket on this one too but the sound is still pants
I'm wondering if it's an Asus thing or whether it's just this model. I'm running Ubuntu on it now but I can't remember what the sound was like under Windows - I seem to remember it was rubbish then too. Maybe just a crap sound module

The Asus motherboards I have on my desktops have excellent onboard sound but this laptop doesn't.

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Old 28-10-2007, 23:46   #8
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My headphone socket is awesome BigStan, i can even pump 5.1 through my 3 3.5mm jacks or use two stereo connections and a mic. It's more than enough to power nice big speakers...
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Old 29-10-2007, 06:09   #9
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Originally Posted by LeperousDust View Post
My headphone socket is awesome BigStan, i can even pump 5.1 through my 3 3.5mm jacks or use two stereo connections and a mic. It's more than enough to power nice big speakers...
Yeh, Dell sound is a lot better. My M1710 has excellent sound - it's even reasonably loud through the built in speakers (tinny but loud), attach it to headphones or a decent set of speakers and it's ace.
Pity I didn't take it with me this time. I deliberately left it at home so that I would be forced to use this one with only Ubuntu on it - the only way I'm going to learn is to force myself to use it

I did look at the M1210 as a possible lightweight traveling machine, simply because the M1710 is such a nice machine but haven't really looked into it too seriously yet as I won't be in a position to buy one for a little while.

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Old 29-10-2007, 09:24   #10
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Not sure about that Asus. If they're aiming for $250 then you can guarantee that it'll be £250 by the time it's on the shelves here. Unfortunately you can buy a proper laptop for £300 making this a bit pointless.

Can help but wonder what they're playing at with the solid state storage either. They've cut corners all over to keep the cost down then gone for solid state sotorage when a conventional drive would have ben so much cheaper.

Personally I'd rather have a bigger screen and conventional HDD for the same money.

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