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Old 25-06-2008, 10:16   #1
Deep Throat
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Talking Charity Fund Raising Idea!

This... is GENIUS!

I have been umming and arring for well over a year. My last idea was a BD calender but as so rightly pointed out to me it would be hard to raise enough monies for it.

So I have been pondering upon pondering and then pondering some more and then this... just cropped up into my head.

*drum rolls*

I thought I could roller skate across the whole coast of France visiting all the D-Day beaches enroute!!

Charity wise - obviously for a veteran charity of sorts. Not figured out a good one as only had the spandangle idea the last couple of days.

Good things about it:

1. Well.. it's not cycling/running or anything that's been done before (as far as I am aware), meaning *hopefully* I could get more coverage and thus more monies. YAY!

2. I could *hopefully* wangle some media coverage - South Today or something and get lots more monies! Yaaaaaaaay!

3. It's in France and I love France

Bad things about it:

1. Roller Skating. I haven't rollerbladed for... 10 years now. I *used* to be quite good (could do kerb skids and things) buuut... that was when I was young and bones wouldn't brake - they'd just bounce! On the up side - it would be mainly flat roads! Hurrah! (I'd have to train like nuts)

2. Would take about a year to set up I reckon buuut I have the time and patience to do it!

What do you think?!? Hmm hmm hmmm? Bit too mental? Would it work? Anyone know of any good charities I could support for it?! Contacts? Ideas?!

*loves doing challenging charity stuff*
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